Does Windows Live Movie Maker work on Windows 10?

Does Windows Live Movie Maker work on Windows 10?

Windows Movie Maker works without any problems on Windows 10. Although it doesn’t have some of the features that other more advanced applications have, it’s still one of the simplest tools to use for video editing.

Why did Windows get rid of movie maker?

Microsoft no longer wanted to carry the cost of updating and supporting the old Win32 apps that were part of the Live suite, so it withdrew them. That included Movie Maker.

Why does my Windows Movie Maker keep going black?

The cause of incompatibility is your installed codecs and software are not compatible with the program. The another reason which can cause Windows Movie Maker black screen as well is muting sound by mistake or on purpose. You may mute sound in video for some needs, but you should be aware of it do can leads the Windows Movie Maker black screen.

Is Windows Movie Maker not working on Windows 10?

Windows Movie Maker might experience loads of issues including Windows Movie Maker not working on Windows 10, and one among them is black screen. Very many people have reported encountering black screen in Microsoft Windows Movie Maker problem which can be solved easily with good troubleshooting basics.

Can mute sound in Windows Movie Maker cause black screen?

If you mute sound in Windows Movie Maker, it will cause black screen as well. This can happen by mistake or knowingly. You might have your own reasons for muting sound in your video but you must be aware that it can cause the black screen problem. If you are muting your video, do that for a reason and not just fun.

Why does my WMM screen go black?

In special cases, the computer screen may also result in WMM black display, if it is faulty (due to issues with a computer screen). At those times, the user will see a black screen, even if the Movie Maker is functioning fine.

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