Have been done or have been doing?

Have been done or have been doing?

“Have been doing” means that the action started in the past and is continuing into the present. Example: “I have been walking since noon.” (you started walking at noon and are still walking.) “Have done” means something started and finished in the past.

Is it correct to say since?

Since can refer to a point after a specific time or event in the past. When using since, we normally use present perfect and past perfect tenses in the main clause of the sentence. You wouldn’t use since when you are talking about the future because, by definition, since refers to specific point in the past.

Have been doing and had been doing?

“Was doing” can also mean the same thing, but it isn’t that certain. “Had been doing” is used in past perfect continuous tense. It tells that work/action was started in past and still continued in present. While, “Was doing” is used in past continuous tense which shows that work/action was happening in the past .

Which is grammatically correct ever since or every since?

Originally Answered: Which is correct, “every since” or “ever since”? The correct form is “ever since”. Ever means at all times or at any time. In the expression “ever since”, the meaning is “at all times since”.

Has been doing in sentence?

“He has been doing it for years”. He has been doing it ever since. “Everyone admires what he has been doing”. He has been doing this forever.

Has been since or for?

We use for with a period of time in the past, present or future. We use since with a point in time in the past. For refers to periods of time, e.g. 3 years, 4 hours, ages, a long time, months, years. They’ve lived in Oxford since 2004.

What can I say instead of since?

synonyms for since

  • afterward.
  • ago.
  • already.
  • later.
  • therefore.
  • after.
  • as.
  • because.

Had done vs have done?

Had done is the past perfect form of the verb do. Both of the verb constructions are made with a helping verb and past participle of the given verb. Have done is used to speak of an action that was completed recently. If we know the time, the tense changes to simple past.

What does have been Ving mean?

It’s actually “Have Been V+ing” also known as the Present Perfect Progressive or Present Perfect Continuous. It is used for an activity that started in the past and still continues to the present.

Can you end a sentence with ever since?

You can use ever since at the end of a sentence to establish magnitude but not in the way you did it. You cannot negate ever since. Not ever since is awkward, confusing, and not commonly used. The negation of ever is never but we do not say never since.

How do you use the phrase ever since?

1 : continually or often from a past time until now We both liked the idea and have been working on it ever since. I went to the festival its first year and have been returning ever since. 2 : continually from the time in the past when : since She’s wanted to be a firefighter ever since she was a young girl.

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