How big do Silvertip Tetras get?

How big do Silvertip Tetras get?

This small fish reaches up to 3 cm (1.2 in) in standard length. The males have a copper color, the females are more pale and silvery. Both have white tips on the fins, hence the name.

How long do Silver Tip Tetras live for?

They can live to anything from 3-5 years in perfect conditions.

Are Silvertip Tetras Hardy?

Yes, silvertip tetras are considered hardy. This means that they accept a wide range of water parameters. This feature makes silvertip an excellent pet for newbie aquarists.

How many Silvertip tetras should be kept together?

As mentioned earlier, silver tip tetras are shoaling fish. Therefore, they need to stay in groups of at least six or seven fish. If possible, it’s better to have a shoal of ten or more. When kept alone or in small numbers, silver tip tetras tend to get very aggressive.

How big do black neon tetras get?

At an adult size of little more than 1 inch, black neons are suitable for small aquariums. They are a schooling fish and should always be kept in groups of a half dozen or more. They also make a nice addition to a larger community aquarium, as they are peaceful and easy to care for.

What do Silvertip tetras eat?

Food & Diet Silver tip tetras are omnivores. They consume insects, plant detritus, and pretty much anything else they can find in the wild. In captivity, it’s important to provide a high-quality diet with tons of variety.

How many Ember tetras are there?

Ember tetras should be kept in groups of at least 9-10, in order to promote schooling. They appreciate a heavily planted aquarium, ideally with a small area shaded from direct light and will spend a lot of time swimming through planted areas, which also offer some protection for their fry.

How long do lemon tetras live?

The lifespan of the lemon tetra in the aquarium can be as much as 8 years, though 6 years is a more typical figure.

What do Silvertip Tetras eat?

What is a silvertip tetra?

Silvertip Tetras ( Hasemania nana) are gorgeous and active shoal community fish. They are called Silvertip Tetra because of their shimmering white and silver color on the tip of its fins. Silvertip Tetras are a peaceful fish that is ideal for a community aquarium.

How do you breed a silvertip tetra?

Breeding the Silvertip Tetra The Silvertip Tetra is quite easily bred, which is reflected in their low price in the aquarium trade. You will need to set up a separate breeding tank if you would like to increase the yield of fry. The tank should be dimly lit and contain clusters of fine-leaved plants such as java moss.

Is Hasemania a good fish to start with?

The genus Hasemania is one of the few in the family Characidae in which members do not possess an adipose fin. This species is ubiquitous in most dealers’ tanks and is one of the best choices for the newcomer to fishkeeping. All the fish sold in the trade have been captive bred and as such are unfussy with regard to both water chemistry and diet.

What fish can I put with a tetra fish?

It’s a good tankmate for most livebearers, danios, rasboras, other tetras and peaceful bottom dwellers such as Corydoras or smaller Loricariids. It can also be kept with the majority of commonly available gouramis and dwarf cichlids. Obviously, it shouldn’t be combined with larger species that may see it as food, such as angel fish.

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