How can I measure my ring finger online?

How can I measure my ring finger online?

Use a floss or string Wrap the floss, string, or paper around the base of your ring finger. Use a pen to mark the point where the material first overlaps. Straighten out the string or paper and measure the length in millimeters using a ruler. This is the circumference of your finger.

Where can I measure my ring size?

How To Measure Ring Size With String or Paper & Ruler

  • Take a string or strip of paper and wrap it around the base of the desired finger.
  • Mark the point where the end meets the string or paper.
  • Measure the string or paper on a ruler in millimeters to the point where you marked it.

How do I determine my ring size?

To determine your ring size, do the following: Use a piece of string or dental floss and wrap it around the base of your finger. Use a pen to mark the point on the string where the end meets. Use a millimeter ruler to measure the string. Choose the closest measurement to the chart above to find your ring size.

How to determine your ring size?

Wrap flexible measuring tape around your finger.

  • Record the measurement where the tape overlaps.
  • Compare the measurement to a sizing chart.
  • What is the best way to measure ring size?

    The easiest way to find your ring size is to go to a jeweler, and have her measure it. To determine your ring size yourself, use a piece of string or paper and a ruler to measure the circumference of your finger, and then find the measurement on a sizing chart.

    How to determine ring size at home?

    Method 1: Use Paper Strips. Wrap the strip of paper around the finger. Ensure that the paper is placed below the fingerand close enough to your knuckle.

  • Method 2: Use String. Cut a string that is 6 inches long. Wrap the string around the base of the ring finger,slightly below the knuckle.
  • Method 3: Measure Existing Rings. If you want to get the ring size without letting the other person know,you can get sneaky.
  • Ring Size Chart for Your Reference. The following chart can be used to determine the ring size. Also bear in thought that rings come in half sizes also.
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