How did the people of djenne djeno adapt?

How did the people of djenné djeno adapt?

They adapted their techniques for herding goats and sheep to raising cattle. They did this because the savanna was better for herding vs. farming and in particular for cattle.

How did the Nok use raw materials to advance their culture?

How did the Nok use raw materials to advance their culture? The Nok used clay to create a distinctive form of sculpture. How did the kingdom of Ghana become so powerful? Ghana’s rulers controlled the trade of both salt and gold.

What technology did the Nok introduce to West Africa?

What technology did the Nok introduce to West Africa? They were the first people to smelt iron.

What is the main source of information about early African cultures?

Archaeologists’ main source of information about early West African cultures has been from artifacts such as pottery, charcoal, and slag—a waste product of iron smelting. By dating these artifacts, scientists can piece together a picture of life in West Africa as early as 500 B.

How did the Aksumites adapt to their geographical environment?

In addition to these cultural achievements, the Aksumites adapted creatively to their rugged, hilly environment. They created a new method of agriculture, terrace farming. This enabled them to greatly increase the productivity of their land. water and prevented its being washed downhill in heavy rains.

In what ways were the cultures of Djenne djeno and the Nok alike?

In what ways were the cultures and Djenne-Djeno and Nok alike? They both had many artifacts that could represent their culture. Why did diverse cultures develop in Africa? People/groups were constantly moving from place to place, learning part of their culture and tradition with the people who settled there.

What technique was used to create a Nok sculpture?

Although terracottas are usually formed using additive techniques, many Nok pieces were sculpted subtractively in a manner similar to carving. This distinctive approach suggests that a comparable wood-carving tradition may have influenced them.

What are the artifacts of Nok culture?

The most characteristic Nok artifacts are clay figurines of animals and stylized human beings, usually heads; perforated eyes of an elliptical or triangular shape are typical of the style. Other artifacts of the Nok culture include iron tools, stone axes and other stone tools, and stone ornaments.

How did iron technology transform people’s lives in Africa and what role did the Bantu people play in this process?

The Bantu’s iron tools improved agricultural yields & their iron weapons made them formidable military opponents. The Bantu people’s iron tools improved agricultural yields and their iron weapons made them formidable military opponents.

How were history and culture preserved in African societies?

How were history and culture preserved in African societies? Much of it was done by oral history passed on from one generation to another. Also through artwork.

How did diverse cultures develop in Africa?

Why did diverse cultures develop in Africa? Push-pull factors caused people to migrate which meant trade and living in new places with their culture. They developed cities, cultures, and technologies.

What are the characteristics of the Nok culture?

Another important characteristic of the Nok culture is their use of iron technology. There is evidence of iron working in the region dating back to at least the fourth century B.C.E., and possibly even earlier. In the village of Taruga, Nigeria, archaeologists have found no fewer than 13 iron-smelting furnaces.

Who were the Nok people?

Relatively little is known about the Nok people of ancient Africa, but a few characteristics are coming to light. For one, we can tell that the Nok were a sedentary society, meaning they were non-mobile, and that they relied on farming. However, they also appeared to be very talented iron workers, and this is pretty significant.

Why were the NOK so powerful?

This made the Nok an important part of local trade networks as producers and smiths of iron tools and likely made them fairly powerful. While this is still a growing field of research, as more Nok sites and more Nok iron forges are discovered, it becomes more apparent that this skill was in high demand.

What did the Nok people use for sculpture?

Typically, humans are depicted seated, with their hands on their knees. Archaeologists have analyzed the clay used by Nok people in their sculptures and discovered that all the clay likely came from the same source, suggesting that a central authority controlled the supply.

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