How do I change the footer text in Joomla?

How do I change the footer text in Joomla?

Joomla 1.5 If you want to change the text, go to the language directory, go to the folder of the language you want to change, find the mod_footer. ini and change the text in there to whatever you want your text in the footer to be!

How do I change the header in Joomla?

In order to change the header and footer image logo, please, do the following:

  1. Log into the administration panel of your Joomla website and go to Extensions > Template Manager.
  2. Then, go to Extensions -> Templates -> Styles, and click on theme####-Default.

How do I add a banner to my Joomla website?

In Joomla 3, Banners are managed by Banners component, go to: Components ยป Banners. To create new banner, hit the New button. In the adding new banner page, add banner title, select banner type (there are 2 banner types: image and custom).

How to edit the footer content of a Joomla site?

Simply open the module and edit the text. To turn on the module positions for your site’s template add?tp=1 at the end of the URL, but first you might need to turn on the “preview module positions” option from the Template’s options screen. Joomla! Apprentice Re: How to edit the footer content?

How do I change the text in the footer?

If you go to the Module Manager and search “Footer” you should find it, and I think it is probably a Custom HTML module with the copy right text contained in it. Simply open the module and edit the text.

How to add Module Manager in Joomla?

Step 1 โˆ’ Click Extension โ†’ Module Manager in Joomla administrator. After clicking on Module Manager you will get the following screen. Step 2 โˆ’ As shown in the screen above, click on New button and the following screen will get displayed.

How do I Find my Joomla version number?

Thanks for the reply and advice. At the Module Manager, a search for “footer” and “copyright” showed nothing in either the site or administrator list. However, a scan down the administrator list shows one module called “Joomla! Version Information” in the footer position. It is set to “show” and published.

Begin typing your search term above and press enter to search. Press ESC to cancel.

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