How do I configure Apache to use SSL?

How do I configure Apache to use SSL?

II. Apache: Installing & Configuring Your SSL Certificate

  1. Copy the certificate files to your server.
  2. Find the Apache configuration file (httpd.
  3. Identify the SSL block you need to configure.
  4. Configure the block for the SSL-enabled site.
  5. Test your Apache configuration file before restarting.

How do I make my Apache server https?

Tutorial Apache – Enable HTTPS

  1. Install the Apache server and the required packages.
  2. Enable Apache module named: Mod_ssl.
  3. Edit the Apache configuration file.
  4. Add the following lines at the end of this file.
  5. Create a private key and the website certificate using the OpenSSL command.
  6. Enter the requested information.

Can Apache use Windows Certificate store?

mod_ssl is an Apache module required to install and manage SSL/TLS certificates. You can enable it in your Apache server by editing the main server configuration file.

How do I turn on SSL?

Enable SSL/TLS in Google Chrome

  1. Open Google Chrome.
  2. Press Alt + f and click on settings.
  3. Select the Show advanced settings option.
  4. Scroll down to the Network section and click on Change proxy settings button.
  5. Now go to the Advanced tab.
  6. Scroll down to the Security category.
  7. Now check the boxes for your TLS/SSL version.

Where do I find the SSL on my computer?

Open the Start menu and click inside the “Search Programs and Files” box. Type “certmgr. msc” (without quotes) in the box and press “Enter” to open the Certificate Manager. In the left pane, click “Certificates – Current User.”

Where is SSL conf?

conf or ssl. conf and may be located at /etc/httpd/, /etc/apache2/ or /etc/httpd/conf. d/ssl.

What certificate format does Apache use?

Background. Apache servers split the SSL certificate parts into two separate files: . crt and . key files.

How to install Apache server?

Configure IIS Apache listens for requests on TCP/IP port 80. You need to uninstall or disable any program that uses that port.

  • Download the files We’re going to use the unofficial Windows binary from Apache Lounge.
  • Extract the Files We’ll install Apache in C:/Apache24,so extract the ZIP file to the root of the C:/drive.
  • Configure Apache
  • How to uninstall Apache server?

    To uninstall Apache as a service,open a Command Prompt window.

  • Navigate to the default Apache installation directory,for example,C:\\Program Files\\Apache Group\\Apache or wherever apache.exe is located.
  • At the command prompt,type apache -u.
  • Close the Command Prompt window.
  • Go to Windows Services and check that Apache is no longer listed as a service.
  • Uninstall Apache HTTP Server 1.3.26 in Add/Remove Programs by clicking Remove.
  • Delete any Apache installation directories in Windows Explorer,for example,C:\\Apache.
  • How to configure SSL/TLS for Apache Tomcat?


  • Generate self-signed certificate. First we have to generate a self-signed certificate and encryption key to secure our connection.
  • Adapt Tomcat server.xml config for SSL. The port attribute (default 8443) is the TCP/IP port number on which Tomcat listens for secure connections.
  • Test the configuration.
  • Where is located Apache SSL config file?

    The location and the name of the Apache configuration file may differ depending on the server and OS version you’re using. The file may be called httpd.conf, apache2.conf or ssl.conf and may be located at /etc/httpd/, /etc/apache2/ or /etc/httpd/conf.d/ssl.conf.

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