How do I enable client drive mapping in Citrix?

How do I enable client drive mapping in Citrix?

How to Make the Server Drives Appear as a Client Drive When Using the Pass-Through Client

  1. Run Regedit.
  2. Navigate to: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Citrix\ICA. Client\Engine\Configuration\Advanced\Modules\ClientDrive.
  3. Create the Reg Value: NativeDriveMapping. Reg Type: REG_SZ. Add the Value: True.

How do I map a local drive in Citrix?


  1. Launch an application, such as BrioQuery or Internet Explorer.
  2. Follow the menu path Citrix Viewer > Preferences.
  3. Select Devices.
  4. Click the + beneath the Mapped Drives window.
  5. Choose a drive letter, then select Browse.
  6. Browse to the server share connected to your Macintosh.

How do I restrict client drive mapping in Citrix?

Disabling Specific Client Drive Mappings for a StoreFront Site

  1. Navigate to C:\inetpub\wwwroot\Citrix\StoreName\App_Data.
  2. Open default.
  3. Under the section [WFClient] add DisableDrives=DriveLetter.
  4. All ICA sessions launched from the corresponding Web Interface Browser Site has the specified Client Drive disabled.

How do I configure access to my local computer’s drives from the Citrix app?

  1. Open Citrix Workspace and log in.
  2. Open a program in the workspace.
  3. When the program opens, go system tray in the lower right corner of the screen(the ^).
  4. This will bring up your Connection Center settings.
  5. When your preferences have opened, navigate to File Access and make sure that “Read and write” access is selected.

How do I access OneDrive in Citrix?

1. In order to access OneDrive through Citrix on a personal computer, you need to make sure the OneDrive client is installed on your computer. If it is installed, you will see a blue cloud in the taskbar (bottom-right). OneDrive client comes with Windows 10 but you might not see it on the taskbar.

What is client redirection?

Client Drive Redirection enables users to access files and folders located on the endpoint from within a VDI or HSD session. Because it’s been a core feature in XenApp and XenDesktop for such a long time, many people have assumed that this is basic feature that exists in every other VDI/HSD solution, as well.

How do I map a local drive?

Map a network drive in Windows 10

  1. Open File Explorer from the taskbar or the Start menu, or press the Windows logo key + E.
  2. Select This PC from the left pane.
  3. In the Drive list, select a drive letter.
  4. In the Folder box, type the path of the folder or computer, or select Browse to find the folder or computer.

How do I prevent a network drive from mapping?

How can I stop users from being able to map/disconnect network…

  1. Start the registry editor (regedit.exe)
  2. Move to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer.
  3. From the Edit menu select New – DWORD value.
  4. Enter a name of NoNetConnectDisconnect and press ENTER.

How do I hide C drive in Citrix?

For hiding, you can do this in a GPO: User Configuration => Preferences => Windows Settings => Drive Maps => New Mapped Drive. Choose Action Update => Drive Letter Existing C => Hide this drive.

What is folder redirection in Citrix?

Folder redirection is a feature of Microsoft Windows and can be used with Profile Management. Important: Configure folder redirection using only one of these methods: Microsoft Active Directory (AD) GPOs or Citrix policies. Using multiple methods to configure folder redirection might cause unpredictable results.

What happened to the drive format in XenApp?

With XenApp 6.x and later, Citrix changed the format on how to display mapped client drives. In earlier releases, drives where mapped to a physical letter. With this release, a redirection similar to Terminal Services is implemented, that displays the drive as a local disk and the source device it is mapped from.

How do I enable legacy client drive mapping in XenApp?

There are instances that require an administrator to enable legacy client drive mapping in XenApp so that unique drive letters are used to map client drives: To enable legacy client drive mapping on XenApp, the following registry key must be set on the server:

Why do client drives appear as “local disk” in XenApp?

Client drives therefore appear as “Local Disk” as in the following screen shot: There are instances that require an administrator to enable legacy client drive mapping in XenApp so that unique drive letters are used to map client drives: To enable legacy client drive mapping on XenApp, the following registry key must be set on the server:

How to download features in XenApp 6 5 Feature Pack 2?

To download features in XenApp 6.5 Feature Pack 2: 1. Go to the XenApp download page. 2. In the list find XenApp 6.5 Feature Pack 2 and click Log in for more. 3. Provide your Citrix user name and password.

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