How do I find out what brand my microchip is?

How do I find out what brand my microchip is?

Look Up the Chip If a microchip is detected by the scanner, it will reveal the microchip’s unique number. You then need to check the microchip at This tool will tell you which organization your chip is registered with.

Can you look up a dog by its microchip number?

Enter the microchip number here to search the PetLink database. This search is used to find lost and found pets, and will return pet information for microchips registered with PetLink. This search also utilizes the AAHA Universal Pet Microchip Lookup Tool to search other U.S. based microchip registries.

Can you check a microchip online?

But it’s even easier and faster to look up your pet’s microchip number on the AAHA Universal Pet Microchip Lookup site — you plug in the number, and the site will tell you if and with which registry the chip is registered (example below) when it was last updated and provide the necessary information about how to get in …

How do I check my dog’s microchip details?

To find out if your dog is microchipped, or to find out the microchip number, take him along to your local vet and have him scanned. Once you have the microchip number, you can use a chip checker online to find out who he is registered with.

How do I know if my microchip is international?

Remember, just knowing the chip company is not enough to tell whether your existing chip is compliant. Look to length – if the microchip number is less than 15 digits, the microchip is not ISO standard, so go ahead and re-chip away.

What microchips are ISO compatible?

There are two fairly common microchip brands that are compatible with ISO regulations for the EU: HomeAgain and the AVID Euro chip (which is 10 digits, instead of the common US 9 digit chip). Take a look at our previous blog posts covering both AVID chips and HomeAgain chips in more detail.

Can you tell if a microchip has been scanned?

A: If the shelter scanned the animal, they should be able to tell you if it is microchipped.

Are all 15 digit microchips ISO compliant?

All 15 digit chips are ISO 11784/11785 compliant including those we stock in our store. They are ready for insertion by your veterinarian. After your vet inserts the chip, they should scan the area with a microchip scanner to make sure that the chip was implanted properly.

How do I find a microchip number for my Pet?

Enter the microchip number here to search the PetLink database. This search is used to find lost and found pets, and will return pet information for microchips registered with PetLink. This search also utilizes the AAHA Universal Pet Microchip Lookup Tool to search other U.S. based microchip registries.

What is the AAHA Universal pet microchip lookup tool?

This search also utilizes the AAHA Universal Pet Microchip Lookup Tool to search other U.S. based microchip registries. The AAHA Universal Pet Microchip Lookup Tool will not return pet owner information contained in the registries’ databases since it is only a lookup tool.

Can I use the information on the eidap registry?

Please note that any information on the EIDAP Registry is strictly the property of the Animal Owner and may not be used by any third party for any use except as approved by the Animal Owner. Owner information may be accessed only for the purpose of reuniting an owner and their pet.

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