How do I get Lorewalkers rep?

How do I get Lorewalkers rep?

Gaining reputation with The Lorewalkers is an unusual process. Instead of completing dailies or zone quests like most other Pandaren factions, players gain reputation by visiting monuments, completing achievements, and hearing folktales.

Where are the Lorewalkers?

Base of operations Seat of Knowledge, Vale of Eternal Blossoms
Theater of operations Pandaria
Affiliation Pandaren Empire
Status Active

Where is Tan Shin Tiao?

Seat of Knowledge
Tan Shin Tiao is the Lorewalkers quartermaster found in the Seat of Knowledge, above the entrance to Mogu’shan Palace, in the Vale of Eternal Blossoms.

Where is the emperor burden Part 8?

Vale of Eternal Blossoms
This object can be found in Vale of Eternal Blossoms (4).

How do you get the red Flying Cloud in Shadowlands?

It can be found in vale of eternal blossoms on the top of Mogu’Shan Palace. Turning in Pandarian archaeology finds is the way to raise reputation with them.

What is the Loremaster achievement?

The Loremaster is a meta-achievement that rewards the player with a title and tabard after they have completed a high number of quests in each continent of the game. Daily quests do not count toward this achievement; some other repeatable quests only count the first time they’re completed.

How do I gain reputation with the Lorewalkers?

Gaining reputation with The Lorewalkers is an unusual process. Instead of completing dailies or zone quests like most other Pandaren factions, players gain reputation by visiting monuments, completing achievements, and hearing folktales.

What is the Wowhead looter?

It maintains a WoW addon called the Wowhead Looter, which collects data as you play the game! It uploads the collected data to Wowhead in order to keep the database up-to-date!

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