How do I post on Facebook from my Iphone app?

How do I post on Facebook from my Iphone app?

Take a New Photo

  1. Tap the “Facebook” icon to open it.
  2. Tap the “Photo” option.
  3. Choose if you want to “Take Photo or Video.” Your camera app will open.
  4. Tap the “Camera” icon to take the picture.
  5. Tap “Use” to select the photo, or tap “Retake” to take it again.
  6. Tap “Attach” to add comments to the photo or tag your location.

How do I share a post on Facebook Mobile?

Depending on the post’s privacy settings, you may see the following options:

  1. Share Now.
  2. Write Post. Post. To share to a friend’s timeline, tap Share to Facebook and select Friend’s Timeline. Type your friend’s name, then tap Post. audience selector.
  3. Send as Message. Send.
  4. Share in a Group. Post.
  5. Share to a Page. Post.

Why can’t I post to Facebook from my iPhone?

It’s usually an internet connection issue which may interrupt facebook from loading posts. The general fix these issue is to Reset Network Settings. Go to General>Reset>Network, and reset your iPhone network settings. Further you can also reboot your iPhone WIFImodem/router.

What is your status on Facebook?

A Facebook status is an update feature which allows users to discuss their thoughts, whereabouts, or important information with their friends. Similar to a tweet on the social networking site Twitter, a status is usually short and generally gives information without going into too much detail.

Why do people see the IOS share sheet instead of Facebook?

If the native Facebook app is installed, V4.0-V4.4 of the SDK will switch to the native Facebook for iOS app, then returns control to your app after a post is published. If you’re using V4.5+ of the SDK, people will see the iOS Share Sheet instead of being switched to the native Facebook for iOS app.

How do I share content on Facebook on iOS?

On iOS, Facebook has native buttons to trigger shares. With the Share Button you will allow people to share content to their Facebook timeline, to a friend’s timline or in a group. The Share button will call a Share dialog.

How do I share photos from my app to Facebook?

To preview a link share to iTunes or Google Play, enter your URL into the Sharing Debugger. People can share photos from your app to Facebook with the Share Dialog or with a custom interface: Build your share content for photos with the FBSDKSharePhotoContent model.

How do I share content to a Facebook group?

After you handle content by building a model, you can either trigger the Share or Message dialogs. On iOS, Facebook has native buttons to trigger shares. With the Share Button you will allow people to share content to their Facebook timeline, to a friend’s timline or in a group. The Share button will call a Share dialog.

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