How do I talk to a person at Comcast Business?

How do I talk to a person at Comcast Business?

Contact Us

  1. Customer Service. Available 24/7. (800) 391-3000.
  2. Chat with us. Hours of Availability Vary.

How much do Comcast Business sales reps make?

The average Comcast Sales Rep earns $93,215 annually, which includes a base salary of $54,165 with a $39,050 bonus. This total compensation is $17,190 less than the US average for a Sales Rep. Sales Rep salaries at Comcast can range from $33,965 – $200,000 with equity ranging from 0-50K+.

Is Comcast Business the same as Xfinity?

Headquartered in Pennsylvania, Comcast Corporation owns dozens of brands and services, including business internet service through the name Comcast and residential service through the name Xfinity. Although both Comcast Business and Xfinity are run by the same corporation, the products they offer differ significantly.

Is Comcast Business more reliable?

Comcast Business internet offers fast, solidly reliable service with 99.998%* guaranteed symmetrical upload and download speeds to keep a small business humming.

Does Comcast primarily serve businesses or individuals?

Comcast Corporation is a global media and technology company with two primary businesses: Comcast Cable and NBCUniversal. Comcast Cable is one of the United States’ largest video, high-speed Internet, and phone providers to residential customers under the XFINITY brand, and also provides these services to businesses.

What is Comcast business?

Comcast Business is a subsidiary of Comcast, which, through several iterations, has handled the sales, marketing, and delivery of internet, phone, and cable television to businesses (in contrast, consumer services are primarily offered under the Xfinity brand).

Why is Comcast business more expensive than home?

Business users also have higher performance expectations in terms of customer service and response time. That all costs money. Simply put, business users cost more to service, and thus business accounts cost more (in most cases).

How can I contact Comcast customer service?

Phone Contact Numbers. We found only one customer service phone number on the Comcast website. This could mean customers have to wait longer on the phone, because all calls are routed through the same number no matter why the customer is contacting the customer service department. Customer Service: 1-800-266-2278.

What is Comcast customer support phone number?

The customer support phone number of Comcast is +1-800-934-6489, +1 215-286-1700 (Click phone number to call). The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Comcast Service Center and Comcast customer service phone number is given below.

What states does Comcast provide service?

Albuquerque, NM Atlanta, GA Augusta, GA Baltimore, MD Bellevue, WA Boston, MA Chattanooga, TN Chicago, IL Delaware Denver, CO

How do you call Comcast?

Call Comcast’s toll-free number.

  • Visit Comcast’s website and set up an appointment for a call-back from Comcast customer service.
  • Dial 611 from a Comcast mobile or landline phone.
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