How do you choose the right answer on a multiple choice test?

How do you choose the right answer on a multiple choice test?

Multiple-Choice Test Taking Tips and Strategies

  1. Read the entire question.
  2. Answer it in your mind first.
  3. Eliminate wrong answers.
  4. Use the process of elimination.
  5. Select the best answer.
  6. Read every answer option.
  7. Answer the questions you know first.
  8. Make an educated guess.

Is Fiona a Disney princess?

Princess Fiona is not a Disney Princess because she comes from the Shrek movies, which are produced by Dreamworks, a rival company of Disney.

What was Shrek inspired by?

Maurice Tillet

Who is Shrek’s cousin?

Arthur Pendragon

Who is Shrek’s girlfriend?

Does Shrek become human?

In Shrek 2, when he was transformed into a human after drinking the Happily Ever After Potion, Shrek became a tall and muscular man with short dark brown hair with a single fringe sprouted on the left side.

What is a multiple choice assessment?

Multiple choice, objective response, or MCQ (for Multiple Choice Question) is a form of an objective assessment in which respondents are asked to select only correct answers from the choices offered as a list.

Is Shrek’s name really Shrek?

In Shrek the Musical, the prologue is set on Shrek’s 7th birthday and he clearly is already named Shrek. It’s also clear in the 1990 book Shrek! that he’s already named Shrek.

How long can ogres live?

Ogre children reach their full size within six years, although the child-like glee ogres evince when smashing bodies and breaking bones make some wonder if they ever reach mental maturity. This rapid physical development is a necessity as few ogres live to even thirty years of age.

Who is the princess in Shrek?

Princess Fiona

What is the purpose of multiple choice questions?

The purpose of a multiple choice item is to measure candidate ability with regard to a specific content area. A multiple choice item has a stem which asks a question, describes data or presents a situation. The responses include a keyed correct response and three or four distractors or foils.

Why are multiple choice tests good?

Multiple choice test questions, also known as items, can be an effective and efficient way to assess learning outcomes. Multiple choice test items are less susceptible to guessing than true/false questions, making them a more reliable means of assessment.

What is the name of Shrek’s donkey?

In the movie Shrek, the donkey refurs to himself as “Donkey.” Shrek addresses him in this way as well.

Does Shrek stay human?

In conclusion, Shrek didn’t become permanent human because he would be disgusting and ugly.

How old is Shrek the ogre?

200 to 600 years

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