How do you greet in Rukwangali?

How do you greet in Rukwangali?

– When greeting an elder in the village, females should bend their knees slightly, and males should nod their heads. – It is common to shake hands when greeting – Morokeni can be used as a greeting throughout the day, even in the afternoon and early evening.

How do you say thank you in Rukwangali?

Rukwangali (Kavango) Fine, thank you: Hawe nawa tupu.

How do you say hello in Kavango?

  1. Good morning! Morokeni. Muna rara po!
  2. Good afternoon! Morokeni. Muna zuhwara po!
  3. Good evening! Morokeni. Muna tokwera po!
  4. Good night! Ngurova zeni. Tokwereni po. Rareni po.
  5. Hi/Hello! Moro!
  6. I am fine. Ame nawa tupu.

Where is kwangali spoken?

Kwangali, or RuKwangali, is a Bantu language spoken by 85,000 people along the Kavango River in Namibia, where it is a national language, and in Angola….Kwangali language.

Native to Namibia, Angola
Region Kavango River
Native speakers 152,000 (2018)

How do you say good morning in siLozi?

Key to abbreviations: sg = singular (said to one person), pl = plural (said to more than one person)….Useful phrases in Lozi.

English siLozi (Lozi)
Good morning (Morning greeting) Lumela; U zuhile cwang’i?
Good afternoon (Afternoon greeting) Ki musihali
Good evening (Evening greeting) Lobala ka kozo
Good night Lobala ka kozo

What is I love you in Oshiwambo?

Ondi ku hole. Pronounced: (on-di koo ho-le).

How do you say thank you in Herero?

Kara nawa. or Karee nawa. Thank you. Okuhepa or Ndangi You are welcome.

How do you say I miss you in Lozi?

A collection of useful phrases in Lozi, a Bantu language spoken mainly in southwestern Zambia, and also in Zimbabwe, Bostwana, the Democratic Republic of Congo and Namibia….Useful phrases in Lozi.

English siLozi (Lozi)
I miss you
I love you Na ku lata
Get well soon U fole ka putako/ka pili
Go away! Zwa! Zamaya kafoo!

How do you greet in Tonga?

The typical verbal greeting in Tonga is ‘Malo e lelei’ (Hello). Visitors may be greeted with ‘Talitali fiefia’ (Welcome).

How do you say hello in Namibian?

Obviously the first thing you need to know in Namibia is saying hello. In Afrikaans, it’s a plain hallo (huh-low). The Germans say guten tag (gut-ten taahg) and in Oshiwambo its Wa lalapo, which means good morning. You can also use the slang term Howzit – which is a combination of hello and how are you all in one.

How do you say goodnight in Oshiwambo?

Wa tokelwa po (sg)? Good night! Lalii po nawa.

What does Mbuae mean?

frustration or annoyance
Mbuae. Meaning: A term that usually expresses frustration or annoyance.

What is RuKwangali essential?

The Essential contains the first words and phrases you need to know, as well as the most important concepts to help get you speaking, fast. These are the building blocks of Rukwangali so you need to drill these words and phrases into your head with consistent repetition and verbal practice.

Where is Kwangali spoken in Africa?

Niger–Congo? Kwangali, or RuKwangali, is a Bantu language spoken by 85,000 people along the Kavango River in Namibia, where it is a national language, and in Angola. It is one of several Bantu languages of the Kavango which have click consonants; these are the dental clicks c and gc, along with prenasalization and aspiration .

What is the origin of the Kavango language?

Kwangali, or RuKwangali, is a Bantu language spoken by 85,000 people along the Kavango River in Namibia, where it is a national language, and in Angola. It is one of several Bantu languages of the Kavango which have click consonants; these are the dental clicks c and gc, along with prenasalization and aspiration .

Who wrote the Peace Corps Namibia RuKwangali language manual?

2. 2 Peace Corps Namibia Rukwangali Language Manual Original version written by: Tim Habenicht Sandra Yitanga Chris Ndara Translated to Rukwangali by: Maxima Kamati Thenga Kamwanya Steph Sestito 3. 3 Table of Contents Section One The Essential -­The Building Blocks of Rukwangali 1.

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