How do you say hello in Vietnamese phonetically?

How do you say hello in Vietnamese phonetically?

“Hello”, “Hi” can be literally translated as “Xin chào” (pronounced as /seen ciao/) or “Chào” /ciao/ in Vietnamese. Remember to pronounce the word “chào” with a low tone….Chào anh, chào chị, chào em, etc.

Pronoun When to use How to say hello/hi
Em When the person looks younger than you Chào em!

Can Siri speak Vietnamese?

Apple supports 37 languages to Siri, but not Vietnamese. It currently supports 37 languages, but not Vietnamese. …

What is the meaning of Xin chao?

Xin chào translated to English TRANSLATION. Vietnamese. Xin chào. hello.

What is the Vietnam greeting?

“Hello” in Vietnamese Chào bạn/anh/chị It’s more casual to say chào followed by the appropriate pronoun, e.g.: chào bạn – “hello (person same age as me)” chào anh – “hello (young man, boy slightly older than me)” chào chị – “hello (young woman, girl older than me)”

How do you greet an adult in Vietnamese?

How to Say “Hello” in Vietnamese

  1. Xin chào – “Hello” (appropriate for everyone)
  2. Chào – “Hi” (casual hello; only appropriate for people your age or younger)
  3. Chào Chị – “Hello, Madame” (formal, appropriate when speaking to older women)
  4. Chào Chú – “Hello, Sir” (formal, appropriate when speaking to older men)

Is there a Polish Siri?

Siri will finally speak in Polish and we are not talking about the next years, but about the months! Another job offer has appeared on the Apple website, which leaves no shadow of an illusion. Siri is already beginning to understand Polish, and now we need to work on understanding better.

How many languages does Siri speak?

What languages does Siri speak? English, German, Dutch, Swedish, Italian, Russian and many more.

Why do Vietnamese say Chao?

Greeting someone older than you To your ‘anh, chi’, you’re ’em’, the younger sibling. ‘Chao’ is of course hello while ‘a’ is what Vietnamese say at the end of the sentence to show respect to those who are older; but it’s optional.

What does Merhaba?

The classical merhaba (hello in Turkish) is a good choice for almost any situation. The word for hello in Turkish originates from the Arabic marhaban and is widely accepted as a Turkish greeting. It means “I receive you graciously / I welcome you.” You really can’t go wrong with a polite merhaba and a smile.

How to say hello in Vietnamese?

1 Say “xin chào” as a general greeting. If you only learn one Vietnamese greeting, “xin chào” would likely be the best greeting to choose. 2 Use “chào bạn” when you’re close. If you’re close in age to someone, the most accurate way to say “hello” would be “chào bạn.” 3 Opt for “chào anh” or “chào chị” when speaking to elders.

What is the best Vietnamese greeting to use?

If you only learn one Vietnamese greeting, “xin chào” would likely be the best greeting to choose. The word “chào” means “hello” in English, but you would rarely use it alone. Typically, you would need to follow the term with another word based on the age, gender, and familiarity of the other person.

How do you Say Hello in Cantonese?

If the person you’re greeting is about the same age as you, say “Chào bạn,” pronounced “jow bahn.” To say “Hello” to your elders, use the phrase “Chào anh” for men or “Chào chị” for women, which sound like “jow ahn” and “jow jee.” Alternatively, when greeting someone younger than you, you can say “Chào em,” which is pronounced “jow ehm.”

What does’chào’mean in Vietnamese?

The Vietnamese word “chào” means “hello” when translated into English, but you generally shouldn’t use “chào” on its own when greeting someone in Vietnamese. The language has various rules about greeting others based on age, gender, and familiarity, so you’ll need to implement those rules to speak a proper greeting. Part 1

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