How does Ming-Chi Kuo get information?

How does Ming-Chi Kuo get information?

Ming-Chi Kuo is an analyst at TF International Securities, a financial services group in the Asia-Pacific region. He gathers intelligence from his contacts in Apple’s Asian supply chain, translating the information he gleans into research notes for clients.

Are Mac rumors accurate?

The most popular site for aggregating Apple rumors, MacRumors was founded in 2000 and has shared their fair share of scoops since then.

Who is the most accurate Apple leaker?

Most accurate

  • 🍍 Max Weinbach: 66.7% accurate for 126 rumors.
  • Macotakara: 63.3% accurate for 90 rumors.
  • 🦅 Barclays: 59.1% accurate for 44 rumors.
  • 🔢 DigiTimes: 58.3% accurate for 115 rumors.
  • ✅ The Verifier: 53.9% accurate for 89 rumors.
  • 💵 Economic Daily News: 38.2% accurate for 47 rumors.

Who is Ming-Chi kuo and why is he famous?

Ming-Chi Kuo has been a well-known Apple analyst for the past decade. His career first came into the spotlight while working at Digitimes, stating ship windows of unreleased iPhone 4 models. He went to work for Concord Securities in 2011, then KGI Securities in 2013.

How does mitming-Chi kuo use data to predict future Apple products?

Ming-Chi Kuo not only uses obtained data to predict future Apple products but provides guidance for how well a product might sell. He arrives at these numbers based on volumes of component orders, then derives what they expect to sell based on previous supply chain inventory reports.

How good is Kuo’s track record at making predictions?

Despite Tim Cook insisting that supply-chain-sourced data is a terrible way to make predictions, Kuo’s track record is very high. Kuo’s strong points as a leaker are device-specific details and specs.

Is Kuo a reliable source of Apple product data?

Ming-Chi Kuo has been a reliable source of solid data on Apple products over the years. Despite Tim Cook insisting that supply-chain-sourced data is a terrible way to make predictions, Kuo’s track record is very high. Kuo’s strong points as a leaker are device-specific details and specs.

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