How long does flu joint pain last?

How long does flu joint pain last?

Most people feel better in 3 to 5 days, though some may feel weak and tired for up to a week. If body aches and joint pain continue for more than a week after other flu symptoms have disappeared, make an appointment with your primary care provider or an orthopedic specialist.

What do body aches feel like Covid?

COVID-19 body aches can range from mild to moderate. Most people have reported that COVID-19 body aches feel like dull muscle pain that typically affects the shoulders, lower back, or legs and may limit or restrict their mobility.

What helps aching joints from the flu?

Use a heating pad or soak in a warm bath. Drink as many clear fluids as possible to keep joints lubricated, and the body hydrated, especially if vomiting frequently. If your stomach can handle it, eat small portions of protein such as lean meats, nut butters, yogurt, and eggs to repair and strengthen muscles.

Can Covid cause long term joint pain?

The pain may be severe and limiting. While the coronavirus can cause permanent damage to vital organs, such as the lungs and kidneys, it is not known to cause any permanent damage to bones and joints. It is, however, too early in the pandemic to know all of the long-term consequences.

How can I get over the flu ASAP?

9 Tips to Ease Flu Symptoms

  1. Stay home and get plenty of rest.
  2. Drink plenty of fluids.
  3. Treat aches and fever.
  4. Take care of your cough.
  5. Sit in a steamy bathroom.
  6. Run the humidifier.
  7. Try a lozenge.
  8. Get salty.

What causes body aches when you have the flu?

Muscle aches and pain are produced by this immune response to fighting hard against illness. 2  While it may not feel like it, body aches are good sign because your body is doing what it is supposed to do to help you get better. Dehydration may also contribute to body aches when you have the flu.

Are your aches from flu or fibromyalgia?

First, fibromyalgia does not cause fevers, so pain combined with a fever is probably the flu. Secondly the condition doesn’t cause coughing, sneezing or any other cold symptoms. The main idea is that if a person is feeling the aches and pains reminiscent of a seasonal bug, but without any other symptoms…

What does it mean when your whole body aches?

When you’re aching all over and you have the flu, there’s a reason. Your body aches because it is releasing chemicals to help fight off the infection. One of the chemicals produced by your immune system is called prostaglandin (PG).

What causes extreme fatigue and body aches?

Fibromyalgia is one of the more common causes of chronic fatigue and musculoskeletal pain, especially in women. Fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome are considered separate but related disorders. They share a common symptom — severe fatigue that greatly interferes with people’s lives.

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