How long is molly fish pregnant?

How long is molly fish pregnant?

Mollies 50-70 days.

Will Molly fish eat their babies?

Cannibalism is normal with mollies and other livebearers like guppies and platys. As fecund as they are, you don’t really need to worry about saving every last one.

How many days molly fish give birth?

Gestation and Birth Female mollies will gestate their young for about 60 days. They can give birth to between 40 and 100 fry. Mollies that are young or are having one of their first few pregnancies will tend to give birth to a smaller rather than larger number of fry.

How often do molly fish have babies?

The gestation period of a molly fish is around 60 days. Female mollies can store sperm for months and may fertilize eggs as often as every 30 days, even when no male is present in the tank. Mollies may release 10 to 60 live fish at a time.

How fast do Molly babies grow?

It will take around one to two months for your fry to grow large enough to be introduced into your standard aquarium. The fry should be larger than the mouths of an adult molly fish. Do not move the molly fry until you are sure they are ready to handle your larger tank.

Can Mollies change gender?

Mollies are not able to change gender. The gender of these fish is determined by their genetics so it is impossible for them to change sex.

How old before mollies can breed?

Separate the males and the females. Once you know the gender of the mollies, you’ll need to ensure more breeding doesn’t take place. They will, in fact, breed between brothers and sisters. Try to separate the male and female fish before they are eight weeks old, which is when they reach sexual maturity.

How can you tell if your Molly fish is pregnant?

To tell if a black molly fish is pregnant, look for swelling and a black pregnancy mark on its lower belly. Black molly fish are almost always pregnant, meaning the pregnancy mark is almost always there.

How long does a Molly fish stay pregnant?

The gestation period of a molly fish is around 60 days. Female mollies can store sperm for months and may fertilize eggs as often as every 30 days, even when no male is present in the tank.

How does a Molly fish get pregnant?

Quick Answer. When Molly fish are pregnant, they develop large, swollen abdomens with large dark spots near the pectoral fin. Mollies start to develop this appearance up to a week before giving birth.

How to tell if my sailfin molly is pregnant?

Watch for any behavioral changes in your female molly fish.

  • Note if a dark triangular spot has appeared near the anal vent.
  • Look for the stomach to change. The pregnant molly fish’s stomach will begin to grow bigger and stretch out.
  • View your molly fish throughout the pregnancy.
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