How much has the temperature risen in Alaska?

How much has the temperature risen in Alaska?

A report by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration defines the new normal climate for the nation based on data from the last 30 years. In Alaska, the normal temperature has risen nearly 1 degree Fahrenheit since the last report was issued with data up to 2010, according to the National Weather Service.

What are the average temperatures for each month in Alaska?

Average Temperatures for Anchorage

Month Low High
Feb 11.7°F 25.8°F
Mar 18.2°F 33.6°F
Apr 28.7°F 43.9°F
May 38.9°F 54.9°F

What are the average monthly temperature in Alaska Celsius?

At Point Hope, on the north-western tip of Alaska, the daily average temperature ranges from -23 °C (-9.5 °F) in February (which at these latitudes is the coldest month) to 7.5 °C (45.5 °F) in July….Nome.

Month Celsius (°C) Fahrenheit (°F)
February -1 30
March -1 30
April -1 30
May 0 32

How much has Alaska’s temperature increased over the past 50 years?

Alaska’s annual average temperature has increased 3.4ºF over the past 50 years. The observed increase shown above compares the average temperature of 1993-2007 with a 1960s-1970s baseline, an increase of over 2ºF.

How is global warming affecting Alaska?

The effects of global warming in Alaska are significant, varied, and interrelated. They include melting permafrost, receding glaciers, eroding coasts, disappearing sea ice, and mounting problems for native species, such as caribou, sea otters, salmon, and polar bears.

Why have the temperatures in Alaska risen more than anywhere else in the world?

Most of the warming has occurred since the mid-1970s, due to a combination of global warming and a switch in 1976 from the cold to warm phase of the Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO), a large-scale climate pattern.

What is the average temperature in the winter in Alaska?

Winter temperatures in Alaska range from 0°F / -18°C to -30°F / -35°C from November to March. Finally, while it can rain throughout Alaska’s summer, May is often the driest month in Alaska and September is typically the wettest.

What is the average temperature in Alaska during the summer months?

Summer In Alaska By July, daytime temperatures in the Interior can average in the 70° F range – although it has been known to reach well into the 90s – while temperatures in the coastal areas and higher elevations rarely get above 65° F.

What are the average temperatures in Alaska?

The southern and coastal regions of Alaska can also be cloudy with some rain showers throughout the year with average summer temperatures ranging from 40°F to 60°F (4° – 15°C). Winter temperatures in Alaska range from 0°F / -18°C to -30°F / -35°C from November to March.

What is the impact of climate change in Alaska?

Every new day brings with it new evidence of climate change in Alaskan communities – warmer, record breaking temperatures have resulted in thawing permafrost, thinning sea ice, and increasing wildfires.

Why is it warmer in Alaska?

From a broader perspective, above-average temperatures in Alaska are partly due to a loss of sea ice in the Arctic and the concurrent ocean warming there, Rick Thoman, a climate specialist with the Alaska Center for Climate Assessment and Policy, told France’s AFP in March. …

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