How to set initial directory for OpenFileDialog in c#?

How to set initial directory for OpenFileDialog in c#?

Setting the initial directory The initial directory used by the OpenFileDialog is decided by Windows, but by using the InitialDirectory property, you can override it. You will usually set this value to a user specified directory, the application directory or perhaps just to the directory last used.

How do I select a file in Windows form?

Browse or Open a File

  1. OpenFileDialog fdlg = new OpenFileDialog();
  2. fdlg.Title = “C# Corner Open File Dialog” ;
  3. fdlg.InitialDirectory = @”c:\” ;
  4. fdlg.Filter = “All files (*.*)|*.*|All files (*.*)|*.*” ;
  5. fdlg.FilterIndex = 2 ;
  6. fdlg.RestoreDirectory = true ;
  7. if(fdlg.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)
  8. {

What is cPanel directory?

What is cPanel. cPanel is a linux-based webhosting control panel. It provides a graphical interface and tools to manage your hosting products. It is one of the most popular web hosting control panel. The control panel is easy to use and does not require any technical expertise.

What is the OpenFileDialog in C#?

The OpenFileDialog component allows users to browse the folders of their computer or any computer on the network and select one or more files to open. The dialog box returns the path and name of the file the user selected in the dialog box. The FileName property can be set prior to showing the dialog box.

What are dialog boxes explain SaveFileDialog and OpenFileDialog?

Here we will see about OpenFileDialog, SaveFileDialog, FontDialog, ColorDialog, DialogResult, and Custom Dialog Box. What is a C# dialog box? A dialog box in C# is a type of window, which is used to enable common communication or dialog between a computer and its user. This additional window is called a dialog box.

How do I set the starting directory for a new user?

By setting the InitialDirectory property, the starting directory will be set to the current user’s desktop. This is done by using the [Environment] Desktop special folder: If documents need to be selected, it can be useful to set the starting folder to the documents folder.

How do I set the initial directory path?

The InitialDirectory property is typically set using one of the following sources: A path that was previously used in the program, perhaps retained from the last directory or file operation. A path read from a persistent source, such as an application setting, a Registry or a string resource in the application.

What is the initialdirectory argument in openfiledialog class constructor?

You can see above that the OpenFileDialog class constructor has an InitialDirectory argument. This tells the OpenFileDialog class which folder to display when the dialog box comes up.

How do I set the starting folder to the Documents folder?

This is done by using the [Environment] Desktop special folder: If documents need to be selected, it can be useful to set the starting folder to the documents folder. By setting a filter, we can ensure that only a certain type of file is selected.

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