Is Adem a girls name?

Is Adem a girls name?

Adem (Ottoman Turkish: آدم, Ādem) corresponding to Adam (see also Adam in Islam), is a masculine given name common in Turkey and Bosnia.

What does Adem name mean?

The Earth
The name Adem is primarily a male name of Turkish origin that means Of The Earth. Turkish form of the name Adam.

How common is the name Adem?

How Common Is The Last Name Adem? It is the 2,245th most frequently held surname on a global scale It is held by approximately 1 in 29,859 people. It occurs mostly in Africa, where 96 percent of Adem are found; 87 percent are found in East Africa and 76 percent are found in Ethiosemitic Africa.

What are typical Turkish names?

Top Turkish Names

Rank Name Gender
1 Deniz Male
2 Isra Female
3 Emre Male
4 Dilara Female

Is Adam a name?

A well-known Hebrew name, Adam means “son of the red Earth.” Its meaning comes from the Hebrew word “adamah” meaning “earth,” from which Adam is said to be formed.

Is Alina a Turkish name?

Alina is a female given name of European origin. It is particularly common in Northern, Central and Eastern Europe….Alina.

Pronunciation (Uh Lee nuh)
Gender Female
Language(s) Slavic languages, Greek, German
Word/name Slavic, German, Greek

Is Ella a Turkish name?

Ela is a female first name. It comes from the Aramaic word Elah meaning Oak. It is a nickname for Elen, Eliška, Elizabeth, Elektra, Angela or Eleanor. In Turkish Ela means Hazel.

Does Adam mean red?

A well-known Hebrew name, Adam means “son of the red Earth.” Its meaning comes from the Hebrew word “adamah” meaning “earth,” from which Adam is said to be formed. The name also refers to the reddish color associated with human skin.

Is Hazel a Turkish name?

This article does not cite any sources….Hazal (name)

Gender female
Region of origin Turkey

What nationality is Alina?

Alina is a female given name of European origin….Alina.

Language(s) Slavic languages, Greek, German
Word/name Slavic, German, Greek

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