Is race an element of cultural diversity?

Is race an element of cultural diversity?

Overview. Diversity refers to the attributes that people use to confirm themselves with respect to others, “that person is different from me.” These attributes include demographic factors (such as race, gender, and age) as well as values and cultural norms. Cultural diversity can be seen as analogous to biodiversity.

Why is multicultural diversity important?

In addition, cultural diversity helps us recognize and respect “ways of being” that are not necessarily our own, so that as we interact with others we can build bridges to trust, respect, and understanding across cultures.

What are the positive effects of outbound tourism?

In addition to the positive impact of inbound tourism on the economy, outbound tourism also entails economic benefits, in that it supports jobs in the travel and airline industries and increases the opportunities of residents to travel to faraway places (Airports Commission, 2013).

What are the positive effects of tourism?

At the level of the local economy, Milheiro [27] highlights the following positive impacts of tourism: attracting investment, additional regional income, employment growth and the multiplier effect on tourism in job creation; improving the standard of living of residents; aid for agricultural development; increasing …

What are the negative cultural impacts of tourism?

The negative socio-cultural impacts include enclave tourism, racism, relocation of traditional communities, breaking up of the traditional family structure, increase in crime, prostitution, the adoption of the Western safari style of dressing and a traditionally unacceptable ‘vulgar’ language by young people.

What is work diversity?

Diversity in the workplace refers to an organization that intentionally employs a workforce comprised of individuals of varying gender, religion, race, age, ethnicity, sexual orientation, education, and other attributes.

What are economic impacts of tourism?

Tourism has a variety of economic impacts. Tourists contribute to sales, profits, jobs, tax revenues, and income in an area. The most direct effects occur within the primary tourism sectors –lodging, restaurants, transportation, amusements, and retail trade.

Why is diversity in education important?

When working and learning with people from a variety of backgrounds and cultures present in the classroom, students gain a more comprehensive understanding of the subject matter. It also teaches students how to use their own strengths and points of view to contribute in a diverse working environment.

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