Is Torcolato a Sauternes?

Is Torcolato a Sauternes?

The Torcolato made by Mr. Maculan, a wine with the richness and balance of a fine Sauternes, is the only one sold outside the region. “There were sweet wines made here centuries ago, when this was part of the Venetian Republic,” Mr. Maculan said on a tour of the winery.

What is tortorcolato?

Torcolato, which means twisted, is a wine made from grapes left to dry on giant, corkscrew strands hung from attic ceilings. The result is a sweet wine that, until recently, amounted to a local curiosity.

What is Torcolato wine?

IN this town north of Venice near Vicenza, in an area known for the clean lines and classic proportions of its Palladian villas, the wine of note is a decidedly baroque confection. Torcolato, which means twisted, is a wine made from grapes left to dry on giant, corkscrew strands hung from attic ceilings.

Why choose Maculan winery?

Having learned about better wines, the younger Mr. Maculan was not satisfied with everyday whites and reds, to say nothing of the old-fashioned sweet wine of the region. When his father retired in 1975, Mr. Maculan had a free hand to bring the winery into the modern age.

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