Is Zuko a master Firebender?

Is Zuko a master Firebender?

Zuko is a firebending master, born as a prince in the Fire Nation Royal Family, who reigned as Fire Lord from 100 AG until his abdication in 167 AG.

Who did Zuko marry avatar?

Aang wedded Katara, Zuko married Mai, the weddings of both sokka and toph weren’t clearly portrayed.

Did Zuko and Mai have a kid?

Many of these elements have been addressed in the Avatar sequel comics, but one aspect remains a mystery: Legend of Korra confirms that Zuko eventually had children, leading to the birth of his daughter Izumi, who in turn had two children of her own.

Where is Zuko’s scar?

When Zuko refused to fight his father, the Fire Lord mutilated his face, scarring him over his left eye, and sent him into exile.

Who is Zuko in Avatar?

Zuko is a firebending master, born as a prince in the Fire Nation Royal Family, who reigned as Fire Lord from 100 AG until his abdication in 167 AG. Originally the primary enemy of Team Avatar, Zuko devoted three years to trying to capture the long-lost Avatar to end his banishment and regain his honor as Crown Prince of the Fire Nation.

How old is Zuko in the Last Airbender?

蘇科 Zuko Nationality Fire Nation Age 16 in Avatar: The Last Airbender 17-18 i Gender Male Family (main relations) Ozai – father Ursa – mo

How did Zuko find out about Avatar Roku’s history?

He found Sozin’s last testament and learned of his history with Avatar Roku. Assuming the letter was sent by his uncle, he visited him in prison, demanding to know the message’s meaning. Iroh explained Avatar Roku was his mother’s grandfather, and Zuko’s inner conflict was part of the legacy of his forefathers’ conflict.

Is Zuko a Firebending master?

Zuko is a firebending master, born as a prince in the Fire Nation Royal Family, who reigned as Fire Lord from 100 AG until his abdication in 167 AG.

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