Where do you want to be in 5 years from now?

Where do you want to be in 5 years from now? The best answers for the “where do you see yourself in 5 years” interview question are both vague and realistic. Don’t tell the interviewer you want to be CEO. And never ever say you plan to have their job in five years….For example: Personalized […]

What was the original purpose for deforestation?

What was the original purpose for deforestation? Forests were exploited for their selected tropical woods, like mahogany, and ruthlessly cleared in order to plant a variety of crops such as rubber and oil-palm. As a result, between about 1880 and 1925, almost 40 million hectares were deforested, largely for commercial agriculture. What you mean by […]

How can I relieve stress and tension?

How can I relieve stress and tension? How can we handle stress in healthy ways? Eat and drink to optimize your health. Exercise regularly. Stop using tobacco and nicotine products. Study and practice relaxation techniques. Reduce triggers of stress. Examine your values and live by them. Assert yourself. Set realistic goals and expectations. How do […]

What greed does to a person?

What greed does to a person? Unrestrained greed in an individual can lead to callousness, arrogance, and even megalomania. A person dominated by greed will often ignore the harm their actions can cause others. What do u mean by corrupt? guilty of dishonest practices, as bribery; lacking integrity; crooked: a corrupt judge. debased in character; […]

Is greed ever good?

Is greed ever good? Greed can serve a positive purpose in some contexts. One positive is that it’s a form of motivation. Greed inspires people to push for better social and economic outcomes than they have. Altruism is a better force for creating positive change, but it takes time to develop it. How do I […]

How does money change your life?

How does money change your life? Money can quickly consume your thoughts when you have a lot of it. Others may also start to look at you differently. Some might automatically assume you think you’re “better” than they are because you’re affluent now. Because money creates a lot of pressure on a person’s life, it […]

What are the four types of culture?

What are the four types of culture? 4 Types of Organizational Culture Type 1 – Clan Culture. Type 2 – Adhocracy Culture. Type 3 – Market Culture. Type 4 – Hierarchy Culture. How do you manage multicultural teams? How to Manage a Multicultural Team Overcome Language and Cultural Barriers. Consider Different Cultural Communication Styles. Plan […]

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