
The card-reading “type” CNC

La fiche de lecture « type » CNC

Card-reading CNC


Many of you have to respond 15 days ago about the article : ” the card reading ” detailed “”. Almost everyone has told me how they were glad that I share with them these items of ratings. Thanks to it they would be able to implement it on their scenario and thus have the possibility of the’send to a producer in the best conditions.

Shortly I will return to this point ” the implementation of this rating grid “ because it is not as simple as that. For the moment I would like to complement the last article with this topic : The card-reading ” Type CNC “.

As I told you the last time, the card-reading what I’ve explained is used by the readings of the tv channels and some producers. It is rather detailed in order to enable decision-makers to chains or producers to make the best possible decision about to sign an option to an author, or to decide to produce this or that film.

But what is it in the CNC (the National Centre for Cinematography) ? Of certain committees, or even script-doctor that offers to analyze your scenario via a card-type CNC ?

To call a script-doctor can cost an arm. Some of them offer an analysis on the model of a card-type CNC to reduce their working time and especially to reduce the note to their customer (the writers or producers). Tell you one thing, of course, to appeal to these people costs money , but, after all, they will enable you to put the finger on the problems of structure, of character, of’plot etc…depending on the formula you choose. If you take the detailed record of which I spoke to you 15 days ago you know you’ll get your money and will be able to have an analysis and an expertise boost your scenario.

Conversely if you do not want to, for the moment, have a complete analysis, that you can’t afford it, the card-type CNC can already greatly help you.

But the card-type CNC what is it ?

In contrast to the detailed sheet, the sheet type of the CNC does that on a page. Suffice to say that your scenario has the interest to attract the attention and the interest of the reader because on a page it doesn’t really have the time to pour. This fact sheet gives only a page, the reader to read the treatment or the continuity of dialogue.

What we find in this card-type CNC ?

On the page of this file you find all the necessary information on the scenario :

  • The title
  • The director
  • The author
  • The genre / time/ place
  • And the language of shooting

Already nothing as to these elements, some apprentices filmmakers/writers do not know how to respond, especially in terms of gender !

Then comes a summary of the scenario

This summary is done by the reader. It allows immediately to see if the words and the story are understandable, but also to allow those who will read the card-reading to understand what it is about and if the story interests them or not.

In addition, when a commission at the CNC you can ask to receive the reading logs…from the start if the summary of your story by the reader is light years ahead of what you wanted to tell…

I remind you that the card-reading does that on a page, the summary of your story is going to be between 10 and 15 lines maximum ! 12-point font.

The qualities

This is the best part of the card; (o)-, the reader highlights the strong points of your story, scenario. In these lines it may tell you that :

  • Your topic is interesting
  • It is a promising project
  • Or even universal.
  • The reader can highlight the quality of your structure
  • The qualities of your characters
  • Good knowledge on the part of the author of the topic, of the time.
  • As we feel the documentation work of the author or of the mastery of the subject by the latter.

To be honest it is a party, which is often short…Between a line, when there is not much to defend, and 15 lines.

The reserves

Your project here is going to take a shot in the wing ;o) You are going to know everything that has not rained and everything that’s going wrong in your scenario and all that in 15 to 20 lines…suffice to say that it goes fast. The shots strung together without allowing you to breathe ;o)

I added the caisses express because I know how to have a return that raises the negative points can hurt the author.

So in a few lines the reader can tell you

  • That your structure is non-existent (and wonders if you know how to write…) or that it is poorly constructed.
  • That your characters are too weak, a little endearing, too many
  • Your style is too literary, you know don’t present a scenario, it is difficult to read.
  • Your project is too condensed or confusing, that the format chosen (feature film, series, etc..) is not suitable.
  • That there was no sub plot, or that there are too many
  • That your subject will not interest people, or that he is badly treated.
  • That your scenario is too long
  • That one is bored

The conclusion

The cutting torch or the release. You must say to yourself : “Should not exaggerate ! This is not at this point “. When I say to you : ” the cleaver or the release “ I’m not kidding. The conclusion is only a few lines (between 2 and 5) and the drive announcement : positive opinion or negative opinion. It is not “forced” too much to explain. In general, he has already done in the paragraph ” reserves “.

To finish with this article on the page “Type” CNC.

Certainly, you know, after reading, what sin in your scenario, which has not been included but it remains in outline. Here, we are not in the analysis of the scenario , but in “feel” and “I want to see this movie on the screen, it must be helped” or “I understood nothing, felt, it is not necessary to the help” as well as the technique, the structure.

Then determine if your project is too vague, too complex or, on the contrary, well-balanced, involving, or full of promises. All of this without dwelling on the details.

You will be able to, thanks to reading this, change your story , but show a hell of a step back to identify what doesn ‘t in your characters, your structure or your plot. The card-type CNC tells you what is wrong, without necessarily telling you what exactly.

The ideal would be to have a card-type CNC to tell you what’s wrong on a page and another page to give you the tracks and put your finger more precisely on the weak points in bringing some solutions.

So much for the article on the card-reading “type” CNC

I will tell you very quickly.

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