What all operations could be done using DbContext instance?

What all operations could be done using DbContext instance?

You can use a DbContext associated to a model to:

  • Write and execute queries.
  • Materialize query results as entity objects.
  • Track changes that are made to those objects.
  • Persist object changes back on the database.
  • Bind objects in memory to UI controls.

What is the use of DbContext in MVC?

You can think of DbContext as the database connection and a set of tables, and DbSet as a representation of the tables themselves. The DbContext allows you to link your model properties (presumably using the Entity Framework) to your database with a connection string.

How do you know if DbContext is disposed?

If no object has been changed, no exception is thrown on calling SaveChanges on a disposed DbContext object….You can test the functionality in a code block like this one:

  1. using (dbContext = new YourDbContext())
  2. {
  3. Console. WriteLine(“Disposed: {0}”, dbContext.
  4. Exporter.
  5. Console.
  6. }
  7. Console.

What is LazyLoadingEnabled?

LazyLoadingEnabled is specifically set to true to prevent the related entities from loading in the context I’m using. A drug class has a list of drugidentity objects in it. public class Drug { public virtual List DrugIdentities { get; set; } }

What is dbcontext in EF Core?

DbContext is a combination of the Unit Of Work and Repository patterns. DbContext in EF Core allows us to perform following tasks: Manage database connection. Configure model & relationship. Querying database. Saving data to the database.

How to use dbcontextoptionsbuilder with Entity Framework?

The DbContextOptionsBuilder uses the UseSQLServer extension method, which registers the SQL Server database provider to be used with entity framework core. We pass the connection string to the UseSqlServer method

What is the use of dbcontext in Salesforce?

DbContext is the primary class that is responsible for interacting with the database. It is responsible for the following activities: Querying: Converts LINQ-to-Entities queries to SQL query and sends them to the database. Change Tracking: Keeps track of changes that occurred on the entities after querying from the database.

How to add student to database using efcontext in Salesforce?

Now you can write any database related operation using above EFContext class, here is an example of adding student to database using dbcontext class. public Student AddStudent (Student s) { using (EFContext context = new EFContext ()) { context.tbStudent.Add (s); context.SaveChanges (); } return s; }

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