What are the 12 moral virtues?

What are the 12 moral virtues?

Aristotle’s 12 virtues:

  • Courage – bravery.
  • Temperance – moderation.
  • Liberality – spending.
  • Magnificence – charisma, style.
  • Magnanimity – generosity.
  • Ambition – pride.
  • Patience – temper, calm.
  • Friendliness – social IQ.

Are virtues gifts from God?

The seven gifts of the Holy Spirit are an enumeration of seven spiritual gifts originating from patristic authors, later elaborated by five intellectual virtues and four other groups of ethical characteristics. They are: wisdom, understanding, counsel, fortitude, knowledge, piety, and fear of the Lord.

How do you practice temperance?

Here are some helpful tips in showing the manly virtue of temperance.

  1. Analyze your life and be specific.
  2. Analyze the area where you lack self-control.
  3. Set goals easily accomplished.
  4. Stay accountable.
  5. Review your progress regularly with others.
  6. Deny yourself.
  7. Don’t remove your desire from your life.

What are the spiritual virtues?

The Four Cardinal (or Pagan) Virtues In one scheme, the Seven Virtues are based on the three spiritual virtues listed by Saint Paul in 1 Corinthians 13:1-13: Faith, Hope and Charity, followed by the four Cardinal or “Pagan” virtues: Prudence, Temperance, Fortitude, and Justice.

What is the greatest human virtue?


Why is temperance important?

Temperance is important, not because it makes us not want to desire pleasure or enjoy things. On the contrary, it helps us to recognize the value of our desires and the satisfaction of them but in balance and according to their nature, guided by our reason. discretion with regards to our curiosity and desire to know.

What is temperance health?

[tem´per-ans] self-control regarding temptations, such as overindulgence in food, drink, or sex. In a broader sense it can be defined as doing good in one’s business or affairs, with modesty, self-control, moderation, and humility.

Why is temperance a cardinal virtue?

Hardon, S.J., notes in his Modern Catholic Dictionary, temperance corresponds to fortitude, the cardinal virtue that helps us restrain our fears, physical as well as spiritual.

Is being nice a virtue?

Nice pretends to be a virtue, but kindness actually is. Nice harms us, and all of the people we interact with, more than it ever helps. We need kindness now more than ever.

Is temperance a moderation?

Temperance in its modern use is defined as moderation or voluntary self-restraint. It is typically described in terms of what an individual voluntarily refrains from doing. The term “temperance” can also refer to the abstention from alcohol (teetotalism), especially with reference to the temperance movement.

What are the 12 fruits of the Holy Spirit?

Some sources in Traditionalist Catholicism follow the Vulgate version of Galatians in listing twelve fruits: charity, joy, peace, patience, benignity (kindness), goodness, longanimity (forbearance), mildness (gentleness), faith, modesty, continency (self-control), and chastity.

Is Grace a virtue?

Having a disposition to kindness and compassion is absolutely everything. Grace is often a virtue that is often undervalued in today. Our society is often so caught up with ourselves, that we find it difficult to be gracious when something doesn’t go our way. However, grace is so important.

What are the greatest virtues?

Cardinal virtues The Greek philosophers Aristotle and Plato, regarded Temperance, wisdom, justice, and courage as the four most desirable character traits.

What is the importance of virtue?

Virtues are important because they are the basic qualities necessary for our well being and happiness. By recognizing the importance of virtues, in our lives, it will lead to better communication, understanding and acceptance between us and our fellow man.

What are the 5 cardinal virtues?

virtue. [Lat.,=manliness], in philosophy, quality of good in human conduct. The cardinal virtues, as presented by Plato, were wisdom (or prudence), courage, temperance, and justice. They are to be interpreted as descriptive of conduct rather than innate qualities and are achieved through proper training and discipline.

Why is hope a theological virtue?

spes) is one of the three theological virtues in Christian tradition. Hope being a combination of the desire for something and expectation of receiving it, the virtue is hoping for Divine union and so eternal happiness. While faith is a function of the intellect, hope is an act of the will.

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