What are the 5 parts of the reflex arc?

What are the 5 parts of the reflex arc?

The reflex arc consists of 5 components:

  • sensory receptor.
  • sensory neuron.
  • integration center.
  • motor neuron.
  • effector target.

What is a receptor in a reflex arc?

The primary components of the reflex arc are the sensory neurons (or receptors) that receive stimulation and in turn connect to other nerve cells that activate muscle cells (or effectors), which perform the reflex action. The motor neuron carries efferent impulses to the effector, which produces the response.

Which type of neuron is involved in a reflex arc quizlet?

A relatively direct connection between a sensory neuron and a motor neuron that allows an extremely rapid response to a stimulus, often without conscious brain involvement.

What occurs first in a reflex arc?

The reflex arc is a special type of neural circuit that begins with a sensory neuron at a receptor (e.g., a pain receptor in the fingertip) and ends with a motor neuron at an effector (e.g., a skeletal muscle).

What is the correct order for the events that occur during a reflex?

So the reflex arc consists of these five steps in order-sensor, sensory neuron, control center, motor neuron, and muscle.

What is the pathway of the reflex arc?

The following diagram shows the reflex arc pathway. The receptor here is the sense organ that senses danger. The sensory neurons pick up signals from the sensory organ and send them through other neurons which are interconnected. It is then received by the relay neuron which is present in the spinal cord.

How is a reflex arc formed Quizlet?

Answers: In reflex actions, a reflex arc is formed by impulses from the receptor reaching the spinal cord and the appropriate reflex impulse then being sent to the muscles by the spinal cord. The impulse is not sent to the brain, to reduce response time. Q4. Define reflex arc and its component.

What does the spinal reflex arc look like?

Let’s quickly recall how the spinal reflex arc looks like: receptor – sensory fiber – (interneuron) – alpha motor neuron – muscle. With polysynaptic reflexes, there are some additional details since interneurons are involved. The complexity happens at the spinal cord level and involves alpha motor neurons and interneurons.

What are the components of reflex action?

The whole process of reflex action involves some important components. They are receptor organs, sensory neurons, nerve center, associated neurons, motor neurons and effector neurons. The receptor organs perceive the stimuli. They are situated on the sense organs.

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