What are the different types of SSRS reports?

What are the different types of SSRS reports?

Different Types of Reports in SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS)

  • Parameterized reports.
  • Linked reports.
  • Snapshot reports.
  • Cached reports.
  • Ad hoc reports.
  • Clickthrough reports.
  • Drilldown reports.
  • Drillthrough reports.

How do I schedule a report in SSRS?

Once you click on the Select Schedule button, the report manager will navigate you to a new page. You can use this page to schedule your subscriptions in SSRS. Schedule Details: Use this section to schedule the report subscription on Hourly, Daily, Weekly, Monthly, or Once in a lifetime.

How do I create a simple report in SSRS?

How To Create Simple SSRS Report

  1. Open Visual Studio => File = > Project.
  2. Select Reporting Services = > Report Server Project = > Set Location & Project Name, followed by clicking OK button.
  3. Right click on Share Data Source => Add New Data Source.

What is SQL based reporting?

SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS) is a server-based report generating software system from Microsoft. It is part of a suite of Microsoft SQL Server services, including SSAS (SQL Server Analysis Services) and SSIS (SQL Server Integration Services).

How do I schedule a report in report Builder?


  1. In the banner, click Reports, and click a report name to run it.
  2. Near the upper right of the report results, click Schedule.
  3. Enter a name, description, and any tags.
  4. Add owners.
  5. Set the frequency and dates.
  6. Choose an export format.

What is an example of a SSRS report?

A simple example of a professional SSRS report is a monthly sales report which gives an insight into how good the business is doing in terms of selling its services or products. Another example of a professionally developed SSRS report is a report which show s daily business transactions from the business perspective.

How to create a report subscription in SSRs?

So please refer to the same to understand the Report data. To create a report subscription in SSRS, Click the down arrow beside the Report will open the menu items. Please select the Manage option from the menu items. Once you select the Manage option, the Report manager will navigate you to a new page with the following tabs.

What is reportreport subscription?

Report Subscription is a powerful option available in SQL Reporting Services. SSRS subscriptions allows the user to generate reports without interacting with Report Manager, or Report Builder, or BIDS.

How to send an email delivery report in SSRs?

Once you select the Email Delivery option, The Report manager displays the following options in the SSRS subscriptions page. And the properties are: To: Email Id, or SMTP address of the receiver. (To whom you want to send the report) Subject: Email subject. Render Format: Please select the format that you want to save the report.

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