What are the side effects of artesunate?

What are the side effects of artesunate?

Common side effects of Artesunate include: Loss of appetite on days 1-2. Dizziness on days 1-2. Nausea on days 1-2….Additional Side Effects of Artesunate can include:

  • Hives.
  • Rash.
  • Hemoglobinuria.
  • Seizures.
  • Neuropsychiatric reactions.
  • Reversible neurologic changes.

What are the side effects of malaria drugs?

Possible side effects – dizziness, headache, sleep disturbances (insomnia and vivid dreams) and psychiatric reactions (anxiety, depression, panic attacks and hallucinations). It’s very important to tell your doctor about any previous mental health problems, including mild depression.

How do you give artesunate to a child?

Recommended Dosage And Administration In Adult And Pediatric Patients. The recommended dosage of Artesunate for Injection is 2.4 mg/kg administered intravenously at 0 hours, 12 hours, and 24 hours, and thereafter, administered once daily until the patient is able to tolerate oral antimalarial therapy.

Is artesunate banned?

One of the banned drugs is Artesunate which is widely used in Nigerian households.

How do you mix artesunate IM?

1. Mix the Artesunic acid powder with 1ml of 5% Sodium bicarbonate and shake for 2-3 minutes. The powder is difficult to dissolve and care should be taken to shake the mixture until the solution becomes clear.

How do you mix artesunate IV?

Artesunate is dispensed as a powder of artesunic acid, which is dissolved in sodium bicarbonate (5%) to form sodium artesunate. The solution is then diluted in approximately 5 mL of 5% dextrose and given by intravenous injection or by intramuscular injection into the anterior thigh.

How is artesunate calculated?

– One dose on admission (H0) then 12 hours after admission (H12) then 24 hours after admission (H24) then, once daily….Dosage and duration.

Weight IV injection artesunate solution 10 mg/ml IM injection artesunate solution 20 mg/ml
6 to < 8 kg 2.5 ml 1.2 ml
8 to < 10 kg 3 ml 1.5 ml

What is the generic name of artesunate?

Artesunate/amodiaquine, sold under the trade name Camoquin among others, is a medication used for the treatment of malaria….Artesunate/amodiaquine.

Combination of
Amodiaquine Antimalarial
Clinical data
Trade names Camoquin, others
Other names ASAQ

How to treat paludisme grave?

Tous les cas de paludisme grave doivent être traités avec une cure complète d’une association médicamenteuse à base d’artémisinine localement efficace dès que le patient est en mesure de prendre une médication orale, mais après 24 heures au minimum de traitement par voie parentérale.

Are artémisinines useful for women with paludisme grave?

Les artémisinines sont utilisables pour traiter les femmes enceintes souffrant de paludisme grave. Bien qu’une monothérapie orale à base d’artémisinine ne soit pas recommandée pour traiter le paludisme sans complication en raison des risques de rechute et de propagation de la résistance

What is the role of acidose in paludisme?

L’acidose métabolique est courante parmi les cas de paludisme grave et représente une cause importante de décès. Elle est associée à une hyperlactatémie. Un faible taux de bicarbonate plasmatique est le seul bon indicateur pronostique en cas de paludisme grave. L’acidose résulte principalement de l’obstruction

What is paludisme falciparumchez?

à P. falciparumchez l’enfant sont le neuropaludisme, l’anémie sévère, la détresse respiratoire (acidose) et l’hypoglycémie. Les différences entre le paludisme grave de l’adulte et de l’enfant sont

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