What are the types of ePortfolio and how is it used?

What are the types of ePortfolio and how is it used?

Learning: This type of ePortfolio is both student and faculty directed. Students utilize their ePortfolio for a variety of reflective purposes. Assessment for Learning: This type of ePortfolio is primarily used for accreditation purposes and program evaluation. …

What are the different types of portfolio assessment?

There are two main types of portfolio assessments: “instructional” or “working” portfolios, and “showcase” portfolios. Instructional Portfolios Instructional or working portfolios are formative in nature. They allow a student to demonstrate his or her ability to perform a particular skill.

Is there a Google portfolio?

Google Sites is the perfect tools for you and your students to create ePortfolios. Portfolios are a great way for students to not only demonstrate learning to the teacher and others but also to learn and reflect on their own growth and progress over time.

What are the different types of Eportfolios?

There are three major types of ePortfolio classification; developmental, showcase, and assessment.

What are the 3 types of portfolio explain?

Three types A showcase portfolio contains products that demonstrate how capable the owner is at any given moment. An assessment portfolio contains products that can be used to assess the owner’s competences. A development portfolio shows how the owner (has) developed and therefore demonstrates growth.

What are the types of ePortfolios?

How do I make a Google ePortfolio?

  1. Step 1: Getting Started: Creating Your Own ePortfolio. 1) Go to sites.google.com.
  2. Step 2: Editing Pages. 1) Click on the pencil icon to edit a page.
  3. Step 3: Adding Pages. 1) Click on the New Page button to create a new page.
  4. Step 4: Formatting.
  5. Step 5: Editing the Sidebar.

How to create an ePortfolio?

– Open ePortfolios. In Global Navigation, click the Account link [1], then click the ePortfolios link [2]. – Create an ePortfolio. Click the Create an ePortfolio button. – Create ePortfolio. Name your ePortfolio by typing in the ePortfolio Name field [1]. – View ePortfolio. Once the ePortfolio is created, there are several options for creating content for your portfolio, including a wizard that will walk you through your creation, step by step. – Edit ePortfolio. To edit your ePortfolio settings, click the ePortfolio Settings link. Edit the ePortfolio name or visibility option in ePortfolio Settings [1].

Why to use an ePortfolio?

Stimulate deeper learning and transfer of skills and knowledge

  • Give students the opportunity to be more intentional and deliberate in integrating their personal,academic,and professional goals with their learning
  • Promote reflective and critical thinking as well other 21st century skills
  • What is the purpose of creating an ePortfolio?

    An ePortfolio (electronic portfolio) is an electronic collection of evidence that shows your learning journey over time. Portfolios can relate to specific academic fields or your lifelong learning. Evidence may include writing samples, photos, videos, research projects, observations by mentors and peers, and/or reflective thinking.

    How to create your own electronic portfolio?

    How to design a digital portfolio Curate your best work. Make your name or logo visible. Make a lasting impression with animations. Allow for easy navigation. Have a physical copy on hand. Repurpose your design for other platforms. Include case studies for extra insight. Develop a seamless brand kit.

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