What are the values of Chile?

What are the values of Chile?

Chileans value and enjoy their work, and commonly bring much energy and enthusiasm to job. However, as important as hard work is to Chilean values, family takes precedence. Working overtime is uncommon, as is working on the weekends.

What are the cultural traits of Chile?

Since colonial times, the Chilean culture has been a mix of Spanish colonial elements with elements of indigenous (mostly Mapuche) culture, as well as that of other immigrant cultures. The Huasos of Central Chile and their native or folk music and dance are central to Chilean folk culture.

What are Chilean beliefs?

Religion in Chile is predominantly Christian and is diverse under secular principles, due to the freedom of religion established under the Constitution. The sum of two main branches adherents of Christianity (Catholics and Protestants) decreased from 84% in 2006 to 63% in 2019.

What cultures have most influenced the Chilean culture?

Spanish, Italians, British, French, and Germans all having influenced the cuisine of Chile.

How would you describe Chile?

Chile is a long narrow country which extends like a ribbon down the west coast of South America. While the coastline is over 4,000 miles (6,437 kilometers) long, it is only about 61 miles (91 kilometers) wide. The Chilean Andes separate the country from Argentina and are home to many mountain peaks and volcanoes.

What is Chile well known for?

Even though Chile is internationally known for its succulent red wines and its devilish pisco, Chile also has a strong and diverse beer culture!

Are Chileans hospitable?

Chileans are friendly and hospitable, and they tend to be forgiving of mistakes made by foreigners. Even so, if you are familiar with the basics of Chilean etiquette, you can avoid many embarrassing and awkward situations.

What is considered rude in Chile?

Chileans are proud of their country and their literacy rate of over 95%. Chileans stand closer to others than most North Americans or Europeans, and it is considered rude to back away. It is also considered rude to click your fingers or beckon with an index finger.

What is considered polite in Chile?

It is considered polite to finish everything on your plate. Wait for a toast to be made before taking the first sip of your drink. The host makes the first toast. The most common toast is “Salud!”

What are Chileans proud of?

Chileans are proud of their country and their literacy rate of over 95%. The culture and religion is primarily Roman Catholic, and the family unit is of great importance in terms of social structure. Education and family background are often scrutinized, race is not considered important.

What are the cultural values of Chile?

However, as important as hard work is to Chilean values, family takes precedence. Working overtime is uncommon, as is working on the weekends. Having adequate time to spend with family and enjoy life is an important part of Chilean culture. Chilean food and customs are quite different from what you are most likely used to.

Are Chileans aware of their culture?

Nevertheless, many Chileans are often not even aware of their ethnic and cultural backgrounds and they firmly embrace the dominant culture of mainstream society. Location and Geography. Chilean culture is located within the confines of the Republic of Chile, although today some 800,000 Chileans are living abroad.

What is Chile’s Highland culture?

The Andes mountains predominate the landscape, making the country’s highland culture, with nexus in Santiago, is the most influential and powerful in Chile.

What is the national identity of Chile?

Despite the various Spanish, German, French, or other ancestries of the Chilean people, a very strong sense of patriotism and national identity remains. Often, a person’s background and ancestry are down-played. Whether someone is of German, French, or indigenous descent, they consider themselves Chilean first.

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