What area code starts with 0203?

What area code starts with 0203?

Recognised — An 0203 number (or any 020 number for that matter) is recognised by London residents, if not across the entire nation. The 020 prefix is granted to regular residents as well as businesses, making it one of the most memorable UK prefixes on the market.

Where is an 020 telephone number?

020 Area Code The location for 020 is London Greater, UK. The 020 area code will allow you to make calls to London Greater from wherever in the world you are.

What is the dialing code from America to UK?

Follow these steps to call the UK from the US: Dial the exit code 011. This will let your carrier know you’re making an international call. Dial 44, the UK country code.

Who calls 020 numbers?

020 is the national dialling code for London in the United Kingdom.

Are 0203 numbers free?

While, generally, “0203” numbers are not free to call on any U.K. Network, it is possible to make a free phone call to someone’s “020 3” number if you have spare free minutes in your bundle or contract on your EE device.

Where is the 01906 dialling code located?

The 01906 dialling code has not yet been allocated to any geographic location. If you have received a call from a telephone number beginning 01906, it is likely that the caller is spoofing their identity.

What is the area code for 0203?

0203 is not an area code in its own right. The area code is in fact 020, and the following 3 is part of the local number. So 0203 should actually be written 020 3, although it makes no difference when dialling the number.

Why have I been called by a number beginning 01906?

The 01906 dialling code has not yet been allocated to any geographic location. If you have received a call from a telephone number beginning 01906, it is likely that the caller is spoofing their identity. Have you been called by a number beginning 01906?

What is an 0203 phone number scammer?

I was recently contacted by someone I like to call an ‘0203 phone number scammer’. These are people who call from a number that makes them seem like a legitimate London-based organisation, when they are anything but.

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