What Atar is needed for electrical engineering?

What Atar is needed for electrical engineering?

Admission criteria Guaranteed ATAR: 92.00, subject to non-ATAR criteria being met. A guide to guaranteed ATARs.

Is engineering at RMIT good?

RMIT ranks among the world’s top 100 universities for civil and structural engineering, and is in the top 150 in electrical and electronic, chemical, mechanical, aeronautical and manufacturing engineering.

Is EEE engineering tough?

5 Answers found. No not at all. It just a myth that electrical and electronics engineering course is tough and I advice you to not to believe this as you had already choosen this branch, believing this myth will decrease your self confidence by which you can even fail in passing in these subjects.

What subjects are needed to do electrical engineering?

Recommended subjects: Electrical Technology. Computer Applications Technology (CAT) Information Technology (IT)…Required School Subjects

  • English (matric level)
  • Pure Maths (matric level)
  • Physical Science (matric level)

Why do you love Electrical Engineering?

Electrical engineering was a major I thought would challenge me beyond my comfort zone. Also, the job opportunities in electrical engineering are endless, which provides flexibility in my career path. My critical thinking skills have drastically changed since I’ve started college and I owe a lot of it to my major.

Is RMIT or Monash better?

Monash has a significantly better reputation than RMIT; it is one of Australia’s ‘Group of Eight’ elite universities and has the top ranked MBA program in Australia. You should also consider the Melbourne Business School which is part of the University of Melbourne; another excellent university.

Which is tough ECE or EEE?

EEE: In EEE the competition is not very tough and the availability of jobs too are good. This is because they have a separate paper for ECE, while students pursuing EEE have to study a lot of other things. Besides this, EEE students can’t take IES while ECE students can.

Is electrical engineering math heavy?

Electrical? Electrical engineering is the most math heavy of the engineering disciplines. You rely heavily on differential equations when dealing with advanced circuit analysis and electromagnetism is basically a physics and math course. In a close second is mechanical engineering, which uses dynamics a lot.

Why study electrical and Electronic Engineering at RMIT?

At RMIT electrical and electronic engineering courses go beyond the theory and put concepts into practice. You’ll work on projects to develop skills in the design, development, production, maintenance and operation of all things to do with electricity. You’re viewing program information for local students.

What is RMIT University like?

RMIT ranks among the world’s top 100 universities for civil and structural engineering, as well as electrical and electronic engineering, and is in the top 150 in chemical engineering and mechanical, aeronautical and manufacturing engineering.

What is the ATAR for electrical and electronic engineering?

Guaranteed Pathway package Engineering Technology (Electrical and Electronics Major) (Associate Degree)/Engineering (Electrical and Electronic Engineering) (Honours) – ATAR 46.65 Guaranteed Pathway package Engineering Technology (Electrical and Electronics Major) (Associate Degree)/ Engineering (Electrical Engineering) (Honours) – ATAR 52.85

How do engineers make a difference at RMIT?

At RMIT, engineering students build professional and technical skills in state-of-the-art facilities, through projects and placements with industry partners. Meet Elisha, Civil and Infrastructure Engineering student and Chaz, Telecommunications Engineering student, and find out how engineers have the power to make a difference.

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