What causes Livedo racemosa?

What causes Livedo racemosa?

Other underlying causes of livedo racemosa include the vasculitides (particularly polyarteritis nodosa), cholesterol emboli syndrome, thrombocythemia, cryoglobulinemia, cold agglutinin disease, primary hyperoxaluria (due to vascular deposits of calcium oxalate), and disseminated intravascular coagulation.

What is Sneddon’s disease?

Sneddon syndrome (SS) is a very rare genetic disorder that causes ischemic strokes in young adults. Although the condition is not yet completely understood, researchers believe it is connected to a change in the CECR1 gene, which helps produce an enzyme called adenosine deaminase 2.

What are the symptoms of livedo reticularis?

Livedo reticularis is characterised by:

  • Net or lace-like cyanotic pattern.
  • Blotchy, reddish-blue to purple (a livid colour)
  • Transient or persistent.
  • Mostly affects legs.
  • It may be more pronounced in cold conditions.
  • May or may not improve with warming.
  • Cold exposure may result in tingling and numbness of affected skin.

Can Raynaud’s disease cause a stroke?

Primary Raynaud syndrome is commonly treated with a calcium channel blocker. It often does not cause symptoms; however, high blood pressure can increase the risk of stroke, heart attacks, and heart failure.

What is the difference between livedo reticularis and Livedo racemosa?

Livedo racemosa consists of broken circular segments resulting in a seemingly larger pattern, as opposed to the fine, regular, complete network of livedo reticularis. Livedo racemosa results from permanent impairment of peripheral blood flow and, unlike livedo reticularis, it persists on warming.

What causes Atrophie Blanche?

Atrophie blanche (white atrophy) is the name given to a particular type of angular scar arising on the lower leg or foot. It occurs after a skin injury, when the blood supply is poor and healing is delayed.

What kind of doctor treats livedo reticularis?

To fully evaluate for the comorbid conditions of livedoid vasculopathy, consult a hematologist (to evaluate for factors that lead to hypercoagulable states) and vascular surgeons (to evaluate and treat underlying defects of coagulation).

Is Sneddon syndrome autoimmune?

Sneddon’s Syndrome was formerly understood to be a type of autoimmune disease called antiphospholipid syndrome, although it has been reclassified as a noninflammatory cerebrovascular disease. It should be considered in patients diagnosed with vasculitis when standard treatments fail.

Is livedo reticularis an autoimmune disease?

Livedo reticularis has been reported in association with autoimmune diseases, such as systemic lupus erythematosus; abnormal antibodies referred to as phospholipid antibodies; and a syndrome featuring phospholipid antibodies with multiple brain strokes.

Is Raynaud’s linked to dementia?

Sneddon is also linked with an increased risk of high blood pressure, kidney problems, heart valve disease and dementia.

What doctor do you see for livedo reticularis?

What is aphasia?

What is aphasia? Aphasia is a disorder that results from damage to portions of the brain that are responsible for language. For most people, these areas are on the left side of the brain.

What are the treatment options for aphasia?

The severity of aphasia depends on a number of conditions, including the cause and the extent of the brain damage. Once the cause has been addressed, the main treatment for aphasia is speech and language therapy. The person with aphasia relearns and practices language skills and learns to use other ways to communicate.

What side of the brain does aphasia affect?

For most people, these areas are on the left side of the brain. Aphasia usually occurs suddenly, often following a stroke or head injury, but it may also develop slowly, as the result of a brain tumor or a progressive neurological disease.

What factors affect the prognosis of aphasia?

The cause of the brain injury, extent and area of the brain damage, and age and health of the affected person all play a role in prognosis and brain recovery. What is aphasia? Aphasia is a disorder that results from damage to areas of the brain that produce and process language.

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