What causes stalk rot?

What causes stalk rot?

Fusarium stalk rot, primarily caused by the fungus Fusarium verticilliodes, is a common disease in the Midwest. This fungus also causes Fusarium ear rot and can infect roots, stalks, and leaf nodes. It is most common in hot, dry years.

What is sorghum sickness?

Sorghum anthracnose The fungus causes both leaf spot (anthracnose) and stalk rot (redrot). The disease appears as small red coloured spots on both surfaces of the leaf. The centre of the spot is white in colour encircled by red, purple or brown margin.

Which disease affect maize?

Bacterial diseases
Purple leaf sheath Hemiparasitic bacteria
Seed rot-seedling blight Bacillus subtilis
Stewart’s disease (bacterial wilt) Erwinia stewartii
Corn stunt (achapparramiento, maize stunt, Mesa Central or Rio Grande maize stunt) Spiroplasma kunkelii

How do you control bacterial stalk rot?

Managing Bacterial Stalk Rot: There are no rescue treatments for bacterial stalk rot. Management primarily includes destruction of crop residue with tillage and avoiding use of contaminated water supply for overhead irrigation. Crop rotation is likely to help with avoidance of this disease.

What is maize stalk rot disease?

Stalk rot symptoms appear several weeks after silking. Leaves of infected plants wilt, become dry and appear greyish-green. Lower internodes become brown and spongy. Small, black fruiting bodies (pycnidia) cluster near the nodes of the rind. The rind may also be covered by a white mycelia growth.

What are the major disease of sorghum?

Fungal diseases
Gray leaf spot Cercospora sorghi
Latter leaf spot Cercospora fusimaculans
Leaf blight Setosphaeria turcica Exserohilum turcicum [anamorph] = Helminthosporium turcicum
Milo disease (Periconia root rot) Periconia circinata

What are the common pests and diseases of sorghum?

Major pests of sorghum

  • Helicoverpa armigera.
  • Sorghum midge – Stenodiplosis sorghicola.
  • Soil insects.
  • Cutworms – Agrostis spp.
  • Black field earwig – Nala lividipes.
  • Armyworms.
  • Corn aphid – Rhophalosiphum maidis.
  • Rutherglen bug (RGB) – Nysius vinitor.

How do you prevent soft rot?

Tips to Prevent Soft Rot

  1. Do not plant infected seed.
  2. Control weeds esp. nightshades and buffalo bur.
  3. Avoid harvesting under wet conditions.
  4. Harvest mature tubers with set skin.
  5. Harvest when air and soil temperature is below 70oF.
  6. Harvest when pulp temperature is below 50oF.
  7. Avoid bruising.
  8. Dry tubers quickly.

Is maize rust caused by virus?

Common corn rust, caused by the fungus Puccinia sorghi, is the most frequently occurring of the two primary rust diseases of corn in the U.S., but it rarely causes significant yield losses in Ohio field (dent) corn.

How can maize diseases be controlled?

Follow crop rotation. Avoidance of water stress at flowering time reduced disease incidence. Avoid nutrient stress. Apply potash @ 80 kg/ha in endemic areas.

How do you control stalk rot in maize?

zeae survives in soil on diseased plant debris, SPB is recommended for control of stalk rot. Streptocycline ± glycerine or CuSO 4 controlled leaf stripe more effectively than streptomycin, SBP, potassium permanganate and copper oxychloride.

What does Diplodia ear rot look like?

Diplodia ear rot is easy to recognize when present (Figure 1). There is grayish or grayish-brown mold on and between the kernels, and usually only on part of the ear.The disease typically starts at the base of the ear and progresses toward the tip (Figure2).Occasionally, disease symptoms occur only at the tip-end or middle part of the ear.

What are the symptoms of appendicitis?

The most common symptom of appendicitis is pain in your abdomen, or belly. If you have appendicitis, the pain in your abdomen may The most common symptom of appendicitis is abdominal pain that may feel different than any pain you’ve ever felt.

What causes ear rot in corn in Indiana?

Stenocarpella maydis, has become a common and troublesome fungal disease on Indiana corn. The increase in no-till or reduced-till acreage, plus continuous corn without rotation are factors that favor Diplodia ear rot. Hybrid susceptibility and weather also contribute to disease development.

Can appendicitis cause pain in the lower right abdomen?

Appendicitis causes pain in your lower right abdomen. However, in most people, pain begins around the navel and then moves. As inflammation worsens, appendicitis pain typically increases and eventually becomes severe. Although anyone can develop appendicitis, most often it occurs in people between the ages of 10 and 30.

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