What does 935 mean in Call of Duty?

What does 935 mean in Call of Duty?

Edit. To improve the human condition 935’s motto. Group 935 was a scientific research group involved with the creation of the Wonder Weapon experiments. Their main facility was near Breslau, Germany, and was named Der Riese (The Giant), but they had many other facilities around the world.

Who is the leader of Group 935?

Doctor Ludvig Maxis
Original Timeline Doctor Ludvig Maxis (Wiped from existence) – Founder and Leader of Group 935.

What is Group 935 based on?

Group 935 is a Nazi group that were experimenting on a new element obtained from a meteorite that hit Tunguska, Russia. This element is known as Ununpentium or element 115. Ununpentium or Element 115 (115 being its atomic number) is a meteorite that hit Tunguska, Russia.

Is Richtofen a masochist?

Edward Richtofen is a sociopath and masochist that has no moral compass. As an interrogator for the Axis, he enjoyed listening to his victims scream in agony. Richtofen showed signs of associated with sociopaths as a young kid. He tortured and killed animals, and tormented his sister.

Did Richtofen create zombies?

They were working in a factory known as “Der Riese” or “The Giant”. They used many experiments with Element 115, an element taken from an asteroid taken from Tunguska. Maxis and Richtofen used 115 to create zombies from dead humans. When the Mexican died, he used American Tank Dempsey in his experiments.

What is the symbol for Group 935?

Group 935’s symbol appears to be a hand grabbing an atom with the numbers ‘935’ written in the center of the atom, and the wrist seems to have the SS symbol, among other features. Two field manuals given to Group 935 members can be found in Der Riese. One of the manuals says:

Where can I find a Group 935 Field Manual?

Two field manuals given to Group 935 members can be found in Der Riese. One of the manuals says: “Gentlemen, allow me to take this opportunity to welcome you into group nine three five.

What is Group 935 in Black Ops?

” Group 935 is an international scientific research group featured in the Aether story of Treyarch’s Zombies mode. Group 935 first appeared in Call of Duty: World at War and several maps take place in Group 935’s facilities and sites throughout Call of Duty: Black Ops, Call of Duty: Black Ops II and Call of Duty: Black Ops III .

What is Group 935 in Treyarch zombies?

Group 935 is an international scientific research group featured in the Aether story of Treyarch’s Zombies mode.

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