What does a bemoan mean?

What does a bemoan mean?

1 : to express deep grief or distress over bemoan the death of their leader. 2 : to regard with displeasure, disapproval, or regret bemoaning the lack of civility in modern political discourse.

Is there a word bemoan?

to express distress or grief over; lament: to bemoan one’s fate. to regard with regret or disapproval.

What does bemoan mean synonym?

Some common synonyms of bemoan are bewail, deplore, and lament. While all these words mean “to express grief or sorrow for something,” bewail and bemoan imply sorrow, disappointment, or protest finding outlet in words or cries, bewail commonly suggesting loudness, and bemoan lugubriousness.

Which word best express the meaning of bemoan?

The word “bemoan” means “express discontent or sorrow over (something).” For example: “it was no use bemoaning her fate” Option A: “Lament” means “a passionate expression of grief or sorrow.” For example: “his mother’s night-long laments for his father” This is closest to the meaning of “bemoan”.

How do you use bemoan?

Bemoan in a Sentence 🔉

  1. As a military wife, I bemoan our country’s involvement in yet another war.
  2. Jack started to bemoan his daughter’s unusual behavior.
  3. Because Helen’s injury did not seem to be healing, she began to bemoan her treatment.

What is the difference between moan and bemoan?

is that bemoan is to moan or complain about; be dismayed or worried about something while moan is .

What does fret over mean?

When you fret, you worry so much about something that it eats away at you. When you fret over something, it consumes your thoughts. If you tell your mother to not fret about you while you’re at a sleepover camp, you’re telling her to not worry about you too much. Sometimes it means to be agitated though.

What is the synonym and antonym of bemoan?

One regrets a slight misfortune or a hasty word; he sorrows over the death of a friend. Antonyms: be joyful, exult, joy, make merry, rejoice, triumph. Synonyms: bewail, deplore, grieve, lament, mourn, regret, rue, sorrow.

What does Bewider mean?

transitive verb. 1 : to cause to lose one’s bearings (see bearing sense 6c) bewildered by the city’s maze of roads. 2 : to perplex or confuse especially by a complexity, variety, or multitude of objects or considerations His decision bewildered her. utterly bewildered by the instructions.

How do you use bemoan in a sentence?

What does fret stand for?

Fluorescence resonance energy transfer
Fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) is a technique used to measure the interaction between two molecules labeled with two different fluorophores (the donor and the acceptor) by the transfer of energy from the excited donor to the acceptor.

What is the meaning of bemoan?

To complain about; to be dismayed or worried about something. He bemoaned the drought but went on watering his lawn. To express disapproval of or regret for; deplore. To bemoan is to complain or express grief about something.

What is the meaning of bemene?

1. to express distress or grief over; lament: to bemoan one’s fate. 2. to regard with regret or disapproval. [before 1000; re-formation of earlier bemene, Middle English bimenen, Old English bimǣnan; see be-, moan]

What will the obituaries bemoan?

They bemoan the propensity for candidates to simply parrot the party line for fear of disaffecting party voters. The obituaries will bemoan the collapse of the center; they will express panic at the helplessness of reason in the face of powerful new extremes.

What is the origin of the word bimonen?

[Middle English bimonen, alteration (influenced by mone, moan) of bimenen, from Old English bemǣnan : be-, be- + mǣnan, to complain of; see mei-no- in Indo-European roots .] American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition.

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