What does combo mean in Spanish?

What does combo mean in Spanish?

Translation of combo in Spanish

English Spanish
the combo el combo ; la combinación

Is it complementary or complimentary?

Complimentary vs. Complimentary means “expressing a compliment” or “favorable.” It can also mean “free” in reference to items or services provided as a courtesy. Complementary refers to enhancing or emphasizing the qualities of another person or thing.

Does complementary mean free?

Complimentary means “expressing a compliment” or “favorable.” It can also mean “free” in reference to items or services provided as a courtesy. Complementary refers to enhancing or emphasizing the qualities of another person or thing.

What is the meaning of complementary skills?

Kids Definition of complementary. : serving to make whole or improve something Their complementary talents make them a great team.

How do you use complementary in a sentence?

— Neil Sheehan, A Bright Shining Lie, 1988 … it was becoming more and more clear to him that Miss Bart herself possessed precisely the complementary qualities needed to round off his social personality. — Edith Wharton, The House of Mirth, 1905 She wore a new outfit with a complementary scarf. My spouse and I have complementary goals.

What is the meaning of complementary colors?

Definition of complementary. 3 : relating to or constituting one of a pair of contrasting colors that produce a neutral color when combined in suitable proportions.

What is another word for Complementary Medicine?

Report an error or suggest an improvement. Synonyms: corresponding, reciprocal, supplementary, supplemental, correlative, more… Collocations: complementary [medicine, therapies, treatments], complementary and alternative [medicine], complementary healthcare, more…

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