What does it mean if someone is flamboyant?

What does it mean if someone is flamboyant?

(Entry 1 of 2) 1 : marked by or given to strikingly elaborate or colorful display or behavior a flamboyant performer. 2 often capitalized : characterized by waving curves suggesting flames flamboyant tracery flamboyant architecture.

What is the synonym of flamboyant?

ostentatious, exuberant, confident, lively, buoyant, animated, energetic, vibrant, vivacious, extravagant, theatrical, showy, swashbuckling, dashing, rakish. informal over the top, OTT, fancy-pants. modest, restrained.

Is Flamboyant a personality trait?

The Flamboyant personality type does share the superficial friendliness character trait but that’s about as far as it goes. Often very dramatic as though their life depends on every utterance, The Flamboyant is naive yet devious at the same time. Very manipulative and always that touch of drama to every story or event.

What is a word for someone who seeks attention?

In the sense of wanting attention attractor, attracter, signaller, In the sense of wanting help apellant, supplicant, help-seeker, seeker, requester, mendicant. In the sense of someone wanting the limelight: from the stage diva, prima donna ; from psychology: hysteric, egoist; from nature peacock.

What is a flamboyant man?

If you say that someone or something is flamboyant, you mean that they are very noticeable, stylish, and exciting.

What is a good sentence for flamboyant?

He is very flamboyant and full of himself. She drew crowds with her eclectic mixture of styles and her flamboyant personality. By this time he had also earned a reputation among colleagues as a flamboyant and idiosyncratic character.

What group of animals is known as a flamboyance?

The collective noun to describe a gathering of flamingos is “flamboyance,” an appropriate term for these colorfully-feathered creatures. They flock together by the thousands on salt flats, lagoons, lakes, and swamps around the world, where they can filter-feed for shrimp, algae, and insects.

What is flamboyant?

1. Given to or marked by elaborate, ostentatious, or audacious display or behavior. See Synonyms at showy. 2. Richly or brightly colored; resplendent: a flamboyant turban. 3. Of, relating to, or having wavy lines and flamelike forms characteristic of 15th- and 16th-century French Gothic architecture.

Examples of flamboyant in a Sentence. Equally flamboyant is the group’s singer, Andy Bell, who prances around the stage dressed at various times like an astronaut, a space creature or a Mexican senorita.

What is the difference between flamboyant and Sondergotik?

In Central Europe, the Sondergotik (“Special Gothic”) style was contemporaneous with Flamboyant in France and the Isabelline in Spain. The term “Flamboyant” was first used by the French artist Eustache-Hyacinthe Langlois (1777–1837) in 1843, and then by the English historian Edward Augustus Freeman in 1851.

What is Flamboyant tracery?

The flamboyant tracery designs are the most characteristic feature of the Flamboyant style. They appeared in the stone mullions, the framework of windows, particularly in the great rose windows of the period, and in complex, pointed, blind arcades and arched gables that were stacked atop one another, and which often covered the entire façade.

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