What does it mean when an animal Estivates?

What does it mean when an animal Estivates?

Like hibernation, estivation refers to a dormant state where the animal’s metabolism is reduced. But estivation happens during hot and dry periods of the year rather than cold seasons.

What are two examples of animals that estivate?

Animals that estivate include lungfish (which estivate for up to three years), earthworms, hedgehogs, snakes, crocodiles, snails, and desert tortoises.

What’s the meaning of estivation?

Definition of estivation 1 zoology : the state or condition of torpidity or dormancy induced by the heat and dryness of summer : the state of one that is estivating Some animals, including various species of snakes, land snails, and lizards, enter a state of dormancy, or estivation, in the summer when water is scarce.—

What is the meaning of Aestivation and examples?

Definition. (1) (botany) The arrangement of petals (as well as sepals) within a flower bud that is yet to open. (2) (zoology) The lack of or slowing of activity and metabolism during hot, dry season such as summer; summer dormancy; prolonged and deep torpor during the hot, dry season.

Which of the following animals undergo aestivation?

Non-mammalian animals that aestivate include North American desert tortoises, crocodiles, and salamanders. Some amphibians (e.g. the cane toad and greater siren) aestivate during the hot dry season by moving underground where it is cooler and more humid.

What is Aestivation in biology class 11?

Aestivation or estivation is the positional organisation of the sections of the flower inside the bud of the flower before it is opened. That is also the manner in which sepals or petals are arranged in a flower bud with respect to the other members of the same whorl.

Which one of the following animals does not undergo aestivation?

Earthworm does not undergo periodic moulting of their external body covering.

Do snails aestivate?

During the heat of the day and the dry hours of noon, snails remain in a dormant state called aestivation or dryness sleep. Snails that remain outside during their aestivation can usually be recognized by a rather brightly coloured shell, reflecting the sunlight and so minimizing evaporation.

Why do animals undergo hibernation and aestivation?

Hibernation happens during the winter season. Here animals stay in dormant condition during low temperature. On the other hand, aestivation occurs during the summer season. During high temperature, animals stay inactive to save energy.

When and why do some animals like snails go into aestivation?

Snails undergo aestivation if they are unable to migrate in order to avoid stressful contition. Some organisms such as snails and fishes to avoid to heat of summer go into aestivation.

What do you mean by estivation in animals?

Animals That Estivate Many animals undergo a state of dormancy known as estivation during hot and dry seasons. Aestivation or estivation refers to a period when an animal enters into a state of dormancy during hot and dry seasons.

What are some examples of animals that estivate?

In the case of vertebrates, there is a greater number of animals that estivate including reptiles, amphibians, fish, and mammals. Reptiles and amphibians include the likes of North American desert tortoises, salamanders, and crocodiles.

What is aestivation?

Many animals undergo a state of dormancy known as estivation during hot and dry seasons. Aestivation or estivation refers to a period when an animal enters into a state of dormancy during hot and dry seasons.

What are some examples of aestivation in arthropods?

For Arthropoda, two classes of animals (Insecta and Crustacea) go through aestivation. As the name suggests, Insecta includes insects such as lady beetles, mosquitoes, false honey ants, Bogong moths, adult alfalfa weevils, and others.

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