What does seborrheic mean in Latin?

What does seborrheic mean in Latin?

seborrhea (n.) also seborrhoea, “discharge of sebaceous matter, especially as a scalp condition,” 1849, coined in Modern Latin as a hybrid, from sebo-, used as combining form of Latin sebum “tallow, suet, grease” (see sebum) + Greek rhoia “flow, flux,” from rhein “to flow” (from PIE root *sreu- “to flow”).

What is a seborrheic area?

Seborrheic (seb-o-REE-ik) dermatitis is a common skin condition that mainly affects your scalp. It causes scaly patches, red skin and stubborn dandruff. Seborrheic dermatitis can also affect oily areas of the body, such as the face, sides of the nose, eyebrows, ears, eyelids and chest.

Is seborrheic a fungus?

Seborrheic dermatitis is a superficial fungal disease of the skin, occurring in areas rich in sebaceous glands. It is thought that an association exists between Malassezia yeasts and seborrheic dermatitis. This may, in part, be due to an abnormal or inflammatory immune response to these yeasts.

What is the best way to cure seborrheic dermatitis?

Topical treatments are the most commonly recommended solution for seborrheic dermatitis outbreaks.

  1. Corticosteroids. Creams and shampoos containing corticosteroids or hydrocortisone can help reduce severe inflammation.
  2. Keratolytics.
  3. Antibacterial gels or antifungal creams.
  4. Light therapy.
  5. Coal tar.
  6. Medicated shampoos.

Can zinc help seborrheic?

Pyrithione zinc can be an effective treatment for seborrheic dermatitis. This ingredient has antifungal, antibacterial properties. Pyrithione zinc is often infused into shampoos to treat dandruff by eliminating the fungi that cause itchy, flaky skin.

Where does the word keratosis come from?

Keratosis (from kerat- + -osis) is a growth of keratin on the skin or on mucous membranes stemming from keratinocytes, the prominent cell type in the epidermis.

What does seborrheic mean?

seborrheic dermatitis an inflammatory condition, usually of the skin of the scalp, with yellowish greasy scaling of the skin and itching. A mild case in the scalp is called dandruff . Seborrheic dermatitis can involve other areas such as the face, neck, central part of the trunk, or axilla.

What does seborrhea mean?

Seborrhea: A chronic inflammatory disease of the skin characterized by the accumulation of scales of greasy skin. There may be yellow crusted plaques that are itchy. Seborrhea often affects the scalp. Other sites include the face, ears, eyebrows and eyelids, umbilicus, and genitalia, Seborrhea of the scalp is commonly known as dandruff.

What is seborrheic keratosis and can it be removed?

Your doctor can remove seborrheic keratoses using several methods, including: Freezing with liquid nitrogen (cryosurgery). Cryosurgery can be an effective way to remove seborrheic keratoses. It doesn’t always work on raised growths, and it may lighten treated skin.

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