What does self abdicate mean?

What does self abdicate mean?

noun. the denial of one’s own interests in favour of the interests of others.

What is an example of abdication?

An example of abdicate is a king choosing to no longer be king. To surrender, renounce or relinquish, as sovereign power; to withdraw definitely from filling or exercising, as a high office, station, dignity; as, to abdicate the throne, the crown, the papacy; to fail to fulfill responsibility for.

What does abdication mean in law?

The act of a person or branch of government renouncing or abandoning an office, trust, sovereignty, privileges, or duties to which he or she is entitled, holds, or possesses by law. noun. The act of abdicating; the renunciation of a high office, dignity, or trust, by its holder.

What is the meaning of Abdiction?

Abdication is the formal act of stepping down from something, especially a king giving up the throne. An abdication is a type of resignation. Such an act is then called an abdication. The roots of this word mean declare in Latin, and that’s an important part of the meaning.

Why did George’s brother abdicate?

After ruling for less than one year, Edward VIII becomes the first English monarch to voluntarily abdicate the throne. He chose to abdicate after the British government, public, and the Church of England condemned his decision to marry the American divorcée Wallis Warfield Simpson.

What does an abdication mean?

Definition of abdicate intransitive verb. : to renounce a throne, high office, dignity, or function The king was forced to abdicate. transitive verb. 1 : to relinquish (something, such as sovereign power) formally abdicate a throne. 2 : to cast off : discard abdicate a responsibility.

What is self-denial psychology?

Self-denial (related but different from self-abnegation or self-sacrifice) is an act of letting go of the self as with altruistic abstinence – the willingness to forgo personal pleasures or undergo personal trials in the pursuit of the increased good of another. …

What does abdication mean in history?

Abdication is the legal and formal act of giving up authority as the ruling monarch of a sovereign nation. The ruling monarch’s eventual abdication literally changed the course of history in Britain—and the line of succession to the throne.

How do you use abdication in a sentence?

1. There had been a complete abdication of responsibility. 2. The king signed the instrument of abdication.

What is the meaning of abdication?

: an act of abdicating: such as a : an act of giving up sovereign power or high office The desire of King Edward VIII to marry divorced U.S. socialite Wallis Simpson led to the king’s abdication in 1936, an event that also brought Harry, his father Prince Charles and his brother, Prince William, into the line of succession.

What does it mean when a king abdicates?

And when the king of a country renounces his claim on the throne to marry his one true love, he would be said to abdicate, rather than resign, his position.

What is the difference between abdication and resignation?

It differs from resignation, in that resignation is made by one who has received an office from another and restores it into that person’s hands, as an inferior into the hands of a superior; abdication is the relinquishment of an office which has devolved by act of law.

What happens when a Roman Emperor abdicates?

After an abdication, the office remains vacant until a successor is named by appointment or election. An early example of royal abdication occurred in 305 a.d., when the Roman emperor Diocletian withdrew from power after suffering a serious illness.

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