What drugs can be used to counteract the vasovagal reflex?

What drugs can be used to counteract the vasovagal reflex?

A number of drugs have been tested in the treatment of vasovagal syncope. These have included β-blockers, disopyramide, scopolamine, theophylline, ephedrine, etilefrine, midodrine, clonidine, and serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SRI)[2].

How do you treat a vasovagal nerve?

The vagal response occurs when the vagus nerve is stimulated. The vagus nerve is the longest nerve in the body….Some things that may help include:

  1. Lie down for 10 minutes or so.
  2. Lower your head between your knees.
  3. Drink some water.
  4. Do not stand up quickly (this could put you at risk for fainting).

How do you reduce vasovagal response?

How is vasovagal syncope treated?

  1. Avoiding triggers, such as standing for a long time or the sight of blood.
  2. Moderate exercise training.
  3. Discontinuing medicines that lower blood pressure, like diuretics.
  4. Eating a higher salt diet, to help keep up blood volume.
  5. Drinking plenty of fluids, to maintain blood volume.

How do SSRIs help vasovagal syncope?

Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors: SSRIs, such as sertraline, fluoxetine, and paroxetine, have been evaluated and thought to be beneficial in the treatment of vasovagal syncope. Serotonin has been thought to inhibit sympathetic neural outflow while increasing adrenal sympathetic stimulation.

Can vasovagal be cured?

Vasovagal syncope is usually harmless and requires no treatment. But it’s possible that you may injure yourself during a vasovagal syncope episode. Your doctor may recommend tests to rule out more-serious causes of fainting, such as heart disorders.

How do Emts treat syncope?

EMS Protocol for Fainting or Syncope Emergencies

  1. Routine medical care.
  2. Gently lower the patient to a supine position or Trendelenburg position if hypotensive.
  3. Oxygen as appropriate.
  4. Obtain blood glucose if approved.
  5. Initiate IV/IO NS @ TKO, if approved.

Can beta blockers help vasovagal syncope?

β-blockers have little effectiveness in preventing vasovagal syncope in unselected populations, but they might be effective in older patients. We determined whether β-blockers prevent vasovagal syncope in an age-related fashion.

How to prevent vasovagal attacks?

Lying down and elevating the feet if symptoms begin, therapy to treat feelings of fear or anxiety, and taking all medications as prescribed can all help prevent vasovagal attack. A vasovagal attack by itself is not serious. However, fainting may be caused by a serious or life-threatening condition.

What causes vasovagal response?

Causes. Vasovagal syncope occurs when the part of your nervous system that regulates heart rate and blood pressure malfunctions in response to a trigger, such as the sight of blood. Your heart rate slows, and the blood vessels in your legs widen (dilate.) This allows blood to pool in your legs, which lowers your blood pressure.

How does salt and water prevent vasovagal syncope?

Salt will also expand your blood volume by retaining fluids in the venous circulatory system and preventing a drop in your blood pressure. A healthy blood pressure will bring enough oxygen to the brain tissue to help prevent episodes of syncope.

How can vasovagal syncope be treated?

Medications. A drug called fludrocortisone acetate that’s normally used to treat low blood pressure may be helpful in preventing vasovagal syncope.

  • Therapies. Your doctor may recommend ways to decrease the pooling of blood in your legs.
  • Surgery.
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