What exercise can replace cable row?

What exercise can replace cable row?

Single Arm Dumbbell Row You can find out more about unilateral exercises, here. This alternative to the seated cable row targets your latissimus dorsi, specifically, but also your rear deltoids, upper and lower trapezius and rhomboids.

How do you row a cable without a machine?

With your arms extended forward, squeeze your shoulder blades together as you pull the band back as far as you can toward your stomach. Pull one arm back at a time, or both simultaneously. Insert a bar or handles for different grip combinations, like close/wide and overhand/underhand.

What can I do instead of cable crossover?

11 Best Cable Crossover Alternatives (For Maximum Chest Gains)

  • Resistance band pull-apart (reverse)
  • Band crossover.
  • Push-up (and variations)
  • Dumbbell flyes (or incline dumbbell flyes)
  • Dumbbell pullover.
  • Band single-arm press.
  • Band pullover.
  • Svend press.

What can you do instead of a cable crossover?

7 Best Alternative Exercises to the Cable Crossover

  • Resistance Band Crossover.
  • Flat Bench Dumbbell Fly.
  • Incline Dumbbell Fly.
  • Single Arm Dumbbell Bench Press.
  • T-RX Cable Push Up.
  • Chest Dips.
  • Standing One-Arm Landmine Press.

What can you do instead of hyperextension?

Hyperextension Alternatives: 10 Exercises

  • Barbell Good Morning. What is this?
  • Banded Good Morning.
  • Barbell Romanian Deadlift.
  • Dumbbell Romanian Deadlift.
  • Kettlebell Swings.
  • Reverse Hyperextension.
  • Glute Ham Raise.
  • GHD Hyperextension.

What are the best barbell row alternatives for lats?

The barbell row is an awesome exercise for your lats, there is no denying that. But… There are just too many good barbell row alternatives to ignore. In fact, here are the top 8: t-bar rows, single arm dumbbell rows, incline dumbbell rows, cable rows, standing band rows, seated band rows, half kneeling high band rows, and inverted rows.

What is a single-arm T-Bar Row?

The single-arm T-bar row is an advanced exercise and can take some time to get used to. According to a study conducted over an eight-week period, using different exercises and even their variations can ignite muscle growth and motivate you to train. Stand with your side facing one end of a barbell.

Are seated cable rows the best back workout?

Seated cable rows are a staple in almost all back workout programs. Almost every gym around the world has a variant of the rowing machine. The seated cable row is such a popular lift that it makes us wonder if people are leaving gains on the table by overlooking other incredibly effective back exercises.

Are you leaving gains on the table with seated cable row?

Row your way to a monstrous back. Seated cable rows are a staple in almost all back workout programs. Almost every gym around the world has a variant of the rowing machine. The seated cable row is such a popular lift that it makes us wonder if people are leaving gains on the table by overlooking other incredibly effective back exercises.

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