What happened to the Gungan King?

What happened to the Gungan King?

After the Battle of Naboo, in which the Naboo and the Gungans were victorious over the Federation, Nass joined Queen Amidala in peace. Nass’ tenure as Boss ended sometime before or during the Clone Wars, and he attended Amidala’s funeral after her death at the end of the war.

What did Jar Jar owe Qui-Gon?

History. When Boss Nass was planning to punish Jar Jar Binks for his transgression in returning to Otoh Gunga after being banished, Qui-Gon Jinn claimed a life debt on Jar Jar in order to prevent him from being punished and retain his services as a guide on Naboo.

Did Chewbacca swear a life debt to Han?

Chewbacca swore a life debt to Han Solo, and remained his loyal companion until Solo’s death. A life debt was a social custom which stated that if someone had saved a person’s life, then that person owed the one who had saved them something in return.

Who is the leader of Gungans?

Nass became the leader of the Gungans at sometime, and Boss Nass governed his people from the underwater city of Otoh Gunga beneath the planet’s Lake Paonga. Some time before the Invasion of Naboo, Boss Nass banished Jar Jar Binks for crashing his personal heyblibber submarine.

Who is Ceel Gunga?

Tobler Ceel, the gungan with the most battlefield experience among high-ranking members of the officer corps, was a former comrade-in-arms and close friend to Nass. Nass became the leader of the Gungans at sometime, and Boss Nass governed his people from the underwater city of Otoh Gunga beneath the planet’s Lake Paonga.

Why did the Gungans leave Otoh Gunga?

The city was originally built by the Gungans in order to avoid contact with their surface-dwelling Naboo neighbors. When the Trade Federation invaded Naboo, their armies stormed the swamps, forcing the Gungans to abandon Otoh Gunga.

How did Nass become the boss of the Gungans?

Nass served in the Gungan Grand Army for a time; Tobler Ceel, the gungan with the most battlefield experience among high-ranking members of the officer corps, was a close friend and former comrade-in-arms to Nass. Nass later became the Boss of the Gungans, governing his people from the underwater city of Otoh Gunga beneath the planet’s Lake Paonga.

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