What is a commercial register in Switzerland?

What is a commercial register in Switzerland?

The commercial register is a public database managed by the cantons. It contains the main information on “commercially managed” companies. The commercial register publishes a company’s legal reports and makes them transparent.

Where companies are registered in Switzerland?

In Switzerland, the commercial registry of companies is held at cantonal level. The cantons are responsible for maintaining the commercial registry and the federal government has oversight.

What is Zefix in Switzerland?

Switzerland has a federated Company registration system. Companies are registered in one of the 26 cantonal registers, and their data is then passed onto the central Federal Central Business Names Index, also known as Zefix. This is the primary key used by Zefix to uniquely identify a company in their index.

What are commercial registries?

The Commercial Registry is an administrative institution whose function is to record and collect all the acts that relate to commercial companies and their managers. Acquisitions, takeovers, secessions, appointments and changes in company administration. Deposits of annual accounts. Among other.

What is the meaning of commercial registration?

in the bourgeois states of Western Europe a document that compulsorily registers individuals and legal entities (companies) engaging in commercial activities. As a rule, commercial registers are maintained by courts of law. Entry on a commercial register determines a businessman’s legal status.

How much does it cost to register a business in Switzerland?

The base federal company registration cost is CHF 600. Cantons then add fees on top and the resulting bill is usually closer to CHF 1,000. Then there are notary fees of around CHF 500 up to several thousand francs depending on the level of complexity and canton.

What is the Swiss equivalent of Companies House?

The Swiss Commercial Register is administered by the cantons under the supervision of the Swiss Confederation there are 28 commercial register offices.

How much does it cost to register a company in Switzerland?

How can I register a Swiss company?

sign the articles of association and the public deed of incorporation at a public notary in Switzerland; fill out the Stampa Declaration Form and the Lex Friedrich Declaration Form; register your company by submitting all the documents at the Swiss Trade Register.

What is UID in Switzerland?

The UID number is the Business Identification Number used in Switzerland (Unternehmens-Identifikationsnummer). This number enables all companies to identify themselves for all contacts, including administrative units and the administration.

How do I register a business name in Switzerland?

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