What is a good quote about kindness?

What is a good quote about kindness?

Motivational Quotes

  • “Love and kindness are never wasted.
  • “What wisdom can you find that is greater than kindness?” –
  • “You can accomplish by kindness what you cannot by force.” –
  • “Kindness can become its own motive.
  • “Human kindness has never weakened the stamina or softened the fiber of a free people.

What do you write on a random act of kindness note?

Here are a few phrases to get you started:

  • You know who’s awesome? Read that first word again.
  • Throw kindness around like confetti.
  • Hey, you’re great.
  • One kind word can change someone’s entire day.
  • Be the reason someone smiles today.
  • Psst…you’re awesome.

What do you say on kindness Day?

On World Kindness Day, Here Are Some Kindness Quotes: Kindness makes you the most beautiful person in the world, no matter what you look like. A life lived without giving is a constipated life – a life not lived. The most precious gift you can give to someone is kindness. Be generous, be giving, be kind.

Is there a random act of kindness this week?

50 Fun Random Acts of Kindness Week Ideas:

  • Pay it Backward: buy coffee for the person behind you in line.
  • Compliment the first three people you talk to today.
  • Send a positive text message to five different people right now.
  • Post inspirational sticky notes around your neighborhood, office, school, etc.

What day is random act of kindness 2021?

February 17, 2021
February 17, 2021 Celebrated on February 17th, National Random Acts of Kindness Day has grown in popularity each year. It is celebrated by individuals, groups and organizations, nationwide, to encourage acts of kindness. It is a favorite day to many, as people everywhere are enjoying doing these acts of kindness.

How do you get a small act of kindness?

If you need some small acts of kindness ideas to get started, check out the below:

  1. Give a coworker a compliment.
  2. Give a stranger a compliment.
  3. Pick up some litter.
  4. Do a charity run.
  5. Serve at a soup kitchen.
  6. Thank a teacher or mentor with a surprise gift.
  7. Send a letter to a good friend instead of a text.

Why you should do random acts of kindness?

Random acts of kindness are essential to our wellbeing, as they liberate us from self-obsession, selfishness, and isolation; they are the effect of an open and loving nature. True generosity is giving without expectation, with no need to be repaid in any form.

What random act of kindness should you do?

From vegetable and fruit tree seeds to planting a tree itself, give back to nature . This is one of the random acts of kindness with a consequence that could live even beyond you. A well cared for tree can stand for a long, long time – far longer than a human life. So, plant something and give back to nature.

Why should I do random acts of kindness?

According to Wikipedia: A random act of kindness or RAoK is a selfless act performed by kind people to either help or cheer up a random stranger, for no reason other than to make people happier. Either spontaneous or planned in advance, RAoKs are encouraged by various online and offline communities.

Why do we began a random act of kindness?

Kindness is something that we can let slip. In order to restore that and bring more kindness back into the world, we can practise random acts of kindness. This can give us a sense of wellbeing, and improve the harmony and balance for those around us.

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