What is a high Cafas score?

What is a high Cafas score?

There are no specific cutoff scores; however, the guidance for interpreting CAFAS total scores are as follows (Hodges, 2005b): 0-10 (no noteworthy impairment), 20-40 (treatment on an outpatient basis would likely be appropriate dependent upon the presence of risk behaviors), 50-90 (additional services beyond outpatient …

What does Cafas measure?

The Child and Adolescent Functional Assessment Scale (CAFAS: Hodges, 2000a; 2000b), assesses the degree of impairment in youth with emotional, behavioral, psychiatric, or substance use problems.

What age is Cafas?

CAFAS – ages 5 to 19 (kindergarten and higher). PECFAS ages 3 to age 7, depending on the developmental level (versus chronological age) of the child.

What is Cafas training?

The Child and Adolescent Functional Assessment Scale (CAFAS) training prepares clinicians to use the CAFAS instrument – an empirically documented, multidimensional measure that is used for measuring functional impairment in children and adolescents. No shows will be billed at the full training rate.

What age is the Pecfas for?

What is the CANS assessment tool?

The CANS is a multiple purpose information integration tool that is designed to be the output of an assessment process. The purpose of the CANS is to accurately represent the shared vision of the child/youth serving system— children, adolescents, and families. Each item uses a 4-level rating system.

How do you score a CANS assessment?

1 = a score of 1 implies a good strength that can be made even stronger. 2 and 3 = Scores of 2 and 3 indicate a lack of strength in a particular area. A score of 2 means the child may have some potential for a strength in this area but this strength is not developed.

How many times can you take the cans test?

You can take the certification exam as many times as you need to pass. However, the Praed Foundation strongly recommends that you take your time and review the course materials before trying again. After three attempts, they will send you feedback to help you prepare to re-test.

What do the cans scores mean?

1 = a score of 1 indicates an area that might require a little attention. A score of 3 indicates a need for intensive and/or immediate attention. CANS Scores – Level of Strengths. 0 = A zero represents a significant area of strength for a child, it is the best rating a child can get in the area of strengths.

How do you bill for cans assessment?

How do I bill for the CANS and PSC-35? For Initial and Annual CANS: The CANS is tied the assessment. Since it’s an assessment activity, you must use the procedure code 331. In order to bill, the service provider must be licensed or licensed eligible (ASW, AMFT, Trainee or Waivered).

How do you score a can?

How do you determine cans level?

Sum the total of items endorsed (‘Yes’) across Groups A-D and enter the total in the space provided at the bottom of the left hand column (‘Sum the total number of items endorsed as Yes in Group A + Group B + Group C + Group D = ___ / 28’ ). 4. Next, move to the column that appears under “CANS Level”.

What is a high score on the CAFAS test?

A total score of 50+ (using the eight subscale scores on the Child and Adolescent Functional Assessment Scale (CAFAS), or b. An elevated subscale score (20 or greater) on at least two elements of the Child/Adolescent Section of the CAFAS; or c. One 30 on any subscale of the CAFAS, except for substance abuse only. Home Based Services

What are the different levels of impairment in CAFAS?

# Severe Impairments (& which scales) Pervasive Behavioral Impairment Severe or Moderate: School, Home, & Behavior Toward Others CAFAS Tiers – quick classification based on profile – Most salient problems Copyright ©2006. Multi -Health Systems Inc. All rights reserved.

What is a 30 on the pecfas test?

This outcome only applies to children or youth that have severe impairments when they enter services, that is they receive a rating of 30 points on at least one PECFAS or CAFAS subscale at intake. A successful outcome is a score of less than 30 on every subscale at Exit.

What information is used to rate the CAFAS?

Based on information usually collected as part of the typical services. Raters’ interviewing “clinical skills” are critical to obtain the information needed to rate the CAFAS. Obtain information from various informants (youth, parents, teachers, etc).

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